I'm sure this has something to do with Google what the hell on earth doesn't anymore.......lol
I have several Gmail account, personal, business etc. when I logout of any one of the account and not logged into any google account then open Chrome nothing is saved in the history. when I start to type just generic stuff show for suggestions.
When I login to one of my Gmail accounts then open another tab the minute I start to type in the search space all my past history shows as suggestions. THIS is why I bought CCleaner and have used it for 3-4 years now. should it clean all history for any Google account as long as I am logged out of it? it's not?
When you log into Gmail it also automatically logs you into Google as well.
However I think that your problem with the history coming back in Chrome after cleaning is probably due to having syncing enabled.
If you have your browser (or any apps) synced then anything 'synced' that you clean from your computer will be restored by the syncing.
That's how syncing works, it saves your data in the cloud and sends it to all your devices from the cloud.
CCleaner can clear the data from your computer, but it can't clear data from a cloud server, (they are protected).
So to stop that syncing happening and your data, history, etc. coming back you have to use the browser/app to clear the synced information from the cloud, or turn off syncing altogether.
PS. You may want to have a read of this explanation of various reasons why some files will come back after cleaning>
Unfortunately, just turning off syncing won't stop this behavior either - the key's in what you said in your first post. You're logging into Google services (Gmail and the like) and, as such, even beyond what would be saved in your browser (and thus be available to be synced or not), data such as search history is also stored on Google's servers as part of your user profile.
I believe you can find the information that Google holds in reference to your account here: https://myactivity.google.com/myactivity?pli=1 - I notice there's a 'Delete activity by' option on the left side of the page.
Google (and others are just as bad) are in the business of selling your browsing history etc. to advertisers - they don't want you to be able to completely delete it and so they make it pretty hard for you to do so.
(Browser and app Syncing was a masterstroke for them; all that lovely sellable information, browsing history and other data, that users are putting on their servers where they can pick through it at their leisure).
Since the reason I have been buying CCleaner Pro was to clear history when I exit Chrome Google has put the screws to CCleaner. I wish I knew this 2 days ago when I renewed it for another year.