I just noticed that when I run CCleaner to delete my Google Chrome History, everything would still be there when I open up Chrome even though the program claims that it has deleted files.
CCleaner Version: v. 5.06.5219 (64-bit)
Windows 7 Professional 64-bit
Google Chrome Version 43.0.2357.81 m (64-bit)
**I have BootCamp and this issue is not present on OS X so I assume that it is a bug with CCleaner for Windows.
CC is not cleaning out my Chrome cookies or history - instead it states Skipped after the 3 items that need cleaning. It does this every time and the volume of unwanted cookies is increasing. I have tried cleaning with my google browser closed and have CC set to ignore files older that 24 hours set properly. Regardless - cannot get rid of Google history or cookies. CC does not claim to clean them - keeps saying 'skipped'. Is there anything I can do to fix this issue? Thank you.
I have done every fix that you have suggested and nothing changes. It still skips Google. I just installed CCleaner on a friend's computer (she runs Chrome) and the first time we used the cleaner it removed the Google cookies, etc. I just downloaded the exact update and it is not running on my computer. What is the problem? I have been having this same problem for over 6 months. By now there should be a fix. Perhaps I need to download another program other than CC Cleaner.
For those of you having problems with cleaning Google,etc, I have been struggling with this for months and have tried ALL the suggestions. Last night I decided to dig into the history of this problem and found something I had not tried. Well so far it has worked! This is what I did: I went to Task Manager- then processes- then stopped ALL chrome.exe processes that were running. Be aware that there are several and not all together in the list, you have to scroll to bottom to get them all. At this time, your screen will only have the Task Manager showing(no icons or any other programs or windows). Don't panic! When I had completely removed all of chrome.exe I went to CCleaner of ran the Cleaner which removed ALL of Chrome unnecessary files. Turned my computer off and back on and opened Chrome (which I had to signin to and reset personalizations) and everything was exactly as it should be. The answer to cleaning Chrome is to completely close it down which then allows you to clean everything. Amazing and so easy when I finally discovered the fix. Good luck with this and I hope it helps many of you. I am not an expert but try to find out as much as possible thought others experiences and it has helped my knowledge level so much. Thanks to all that have shared with me.
For those of you having problems with cleaning Google....This is what I did: I went to Task Manager- then processes- then stopped ALL chrome.exe processes that were running.
So, what you're saying is that you "discovered" the solutions given in posts 2,4 and 6 and many many times throughout this website? Still i am glad you fixed your issue.