Ccleaner not cleaning Firefox(new version) well enough

todays date: 9-4-2013.

Ccleaner does not clean Fife Fox like it used too , I have everything checked except "site preferences".

I have firefox version 4.5.4250

I have windows 7 home premium 64bit.

Lenovo PC.


Do you know if you were previously using the winapp2.ini file to clean more of it? If you were and removed the winapp2.ini file that alone can account for far less being cleaned!

Do you know if you were previously using the winapp2.ini file to clean more of it? If you were and removed the winapp2.ini file that alone can account for far less being cleaned!


no i dont use the winapp2.ini file i use the one that came with the Ccleaner when i installed it, the Ccleaner folder only shows the winapp.ini file . , so i did an experiment , i downloaded the winapp2.ini file and switche them, ya more entries showed up, and no i did not clean anything, only looked, by clicking on "analyze" .

but i switched it back to the origanal winapp.ini file, is there way to get the original winapp.ini file to work like it used too ?.

i have always been carefull when using Ccleaner, been using it for over a year with no problems.

Your complaint is without meaning - you have not specified in what way it cleans less.

Are you judging by the quantity of files it deletes, or the total size that it deletes, or by your precise knowledge of what SHOULD be cleaned but is allowed to remain ?

I have firefox version 4.5.4250

Is that really your Firefox version ?

CCleaner has gone through several series, 3, 2, and probably 1.

If you are using Winapp.ini that was developed for an earlier version of CCleaner there may be many incompatibilities with the latest version of CCleaner,

Firefox is now changing.

If you go to FileHippo you can get your earlier version of CCleaner and you may find that this also is cleaning less of Firefox than in the past.


no i dont use the winapp2.ini file

I was asking the topic starter named "kiss".

I was asking the topic starter named "kiss".

I've a feeling they are the same person.

Your complaint is without meaning - you have not specified in what way it cleans less.

Are you judging by the quantity of files it deletes, or the total size that it deletes, or by your precise knowledge of what SHOULD be cleaned but is allowed to remain ?

Is that really your Firefox version ?

CCleaner has gone through several series, 3, 2, and probably 1.

If you are using Winapp.ini that was developed for an earlier version of CCleaner there may be many incompatibilities with the latest version of CCleaner,

Firefox is now changing.

If you go to FileHippo you can get your earlier version of CCleaner and you may find that this also is cleaning less of Firefox than in the past.


i use Cleaner 4.05.4250

firefox Firefox 23.0.1

they are the newest recent versions.

Ccleaner cleans google chrome like it should, what i put a check mark in , it cleans .

i was reporting a bug, not trying to get help.

i know this is a bug, and thats all i'm going to say , so i mark this topic "closed" and "un-resolved"

i use Cleaner 4.05.4250

firefox Firefox 23.0.1

Ccleaner cleans google chrome like it should, what i put a check mark in , it cleans .

i was reporting a bug, not trying to get help.

i know this is a bug, and thats all i'm going to say , so i mark this topic "closed" and "un-resolved"

Unresolved because it is a bug with Firefox, since CCleaner works O.K. with chrome.

You have not identified even one item that CCleaner should have removed.

Unresolved because it is a bug with Firefox, since CCleaner works O.K. with chrome.

You have not identified even one item that CCleaner should have removed.

did you even look at the screen shot, i guess not, CClenaer only cleans 2 out of the 8 items checked, on google chrome i have everything checked and Cleaner cleans that fine, why do you want to banter with some one who is only reporting a bug ?.

you should just igonore this post, if you cant look at the screen shots, this is just a bug, if i wanted help on this , i would of posted this topic some where else.

i dont care if i'm clear enough for you or not.

did you even look at the screen shot,

Have you even looked at your own screen shot ?

I did before I ever posted, and even now I cannot see any evidence to support your new claim concerning even the "2 out of 8 items checked"

All I can see in the screen shot is that you have checked 8 out of 9 Firefox Entries,

and you have not even clicked "Analyze" or "Run Cleaner" to show what CCleaner proposes to do about your Firefox..

Perhaps you made the fundamental mistake of not looking at your first post.

There is only a SINGLE screenshot under what was predicted to be SEVERAL by the heading "Attached Thumbnails"

did you even look at the screen shot

So you have two forum accounts, that's against the rules, I'm sending you a PM.

So you have two forum accounts, that's against the rules, I'm sending you a PM.


ok, i just replied to your PM, at least i hope i did , please read them and please lock this topic .i did not come here to banter.