Why is it that since windows 7 came out,my free ccleaner and all subsequent updates to it since the release of windows 7 no longer completely delete all browisng history like it used to do?
I am using windows 7 32 bit home premium edition with internet explorer 8 (still holding off on upgrading to internet explorer 9).
I am not interested in a work around,I want a product that works thouroughly and completely like it used too in vista.I do not want to use the windows browsing history deletion either because it quite often also does not work and leaves the history there...even when set to retain the history for 0 days.
Turning off or on, the setting for recent documents or auto complete does not solve the problem either even others elswhere suggested it does.....ccleaner still does not delete all the history.As it is,not completely deleting as it used to do.ccleaner now completely sucks!
I am not interested in a work around,I want a product that works thouroughly and completely like it used too in vista.I do not want to use the windows browsing history deletion either because it quite often also does not work and leaves the history there...even when set to retain the history for 0 days.
If you are not interested in adjusting CCleaner from what worked in Vista to the new requirements perhaps you should consider returning to the use of Vista.
If you are not interested in adjusting CCleaner from what worked in Vista to the new requirements perhaps you should consider returning to the use of Vista.
All the settings in ccleaner are the same as they always were,nothing changed there.
All the settings in ccleaner are the same as they always were,nothing changed there.
That I understood from your first post.
You need to understand that Windows 7 is not the same as Vista,
and the CC settings that sort of worked for the first disastrous "upgrade" from XP are probably inappropriate for the much better organised Win 7.
I have no connection with CCleaner other than as a user,
but as a professional system and software designer with 30+ years experience in the field,
I think it unreasonable to expect Piriform to modify FREE software so that fixed settings will have the exact same consequences upon all versions of Windows.
You need to understand that Windows 7 is not the same as Vista,
and the CC settings that sort of worked for the first disastrous "upgrade" from XP are probably inappropriate for the much better organised Win 7.
I have no connection with CCleaner other than as a user,
but as a professional system and software designer with 30+ years experience in the field,
I think it unreasonable to expect Piriform to modify FREE software so that fixed settings will have the exact same consequences upon all versions of Windows.
Any suggestions as to what/which settings I should try changing?....other than the 2 already mentioned in my original post as they do not solve the problem.
You need to understand that Windows 7 is not the same as Vista,
and the CC settings that sort of worked for the first disastrous "upgrade" from XP are probably inappropriate for the much better organised Win 7.
I have no connection with CCleaner other than as a user,
but as a professional system and software designer with 30+ years experience in the field,
I think it unreasonable to expect Piriform to modify FREE software so that fixed settings will have the exact same consequences upon all versions of Windows.
I payed the 24.95 or whatever is was and there is NO different version different from the free version..ccleaner also has this wonderfully random way of using Firefox to delete your files with no security at all...just decides on its own..
I payed the 24.95 or whatever is was and there is NO different version different from the free version
Whoever said there would be? If somebody told you that they were very incorrect. The Payment is for Premium Support, which allows you to directly communicate with the developers over email (as oppsed to posting on this forum).
EDIT: Ninja'd by Winapp2
..ccleaner also has this wonderfully random way of using Firefox to delete your files with no security at all...just decides on its own..
? CCleaner doesn't decide anything on its own, and it doesn't use firefox to delete files, not sure what you mean by this.
You make no effort in your posts to tell us what is not being cleaned. Do you specifically mean "History" under internet explorer? I just tested this setting and history cleaned perfectly even with IE running.
If you don't mean this YOU NEED to tell us exactly what is not deleting and why you feel it is not deleting (example: you open the history folder and there are still files there)
I payed the 24.95 or whatever is was and there is NO different version different from the free version..ccleaner also has this wonderfully random way of using Firefox to delete your files with no security at all...just decides on its own..
You obviously use Firefox so you do not have the same problems as the O.P.
Since you are NOT "using windows 7 32 bit home premium edition with internet explorer 8"
this is a timed wasting hijack of another persons topic and you are only causing confusion my dumping your problem at the end of a topic dealing with a different sort of system.
Whoever said there would be? If somebody told you that they were very incorrect. The Payment is for Premium Support, which allows you to directly communicate with the developers over email (as oppsed to posting on this forum).
EDIT: Ninja'd by Winapp2
? CCleaner doesn't decide anything on its own, and it doesn't use firefox to delete files, not sure what you mean by this.
You make no effort in your posts to tell us what is not being cleaned. Do you specifically mean "History" under internet explorer? I just tested this setting and history cleaned perfectly even with IE running.
If you don't mean this YOU NEED to tell us exactly what is not deleting and why you feel it is not deleting (example: you open the history folder and there are still files there)
Yes the history,which is what I said in the begining.It is still there,even after shutting down and restarting...I look at the brwsing history and it is still there.Using the most current update of ccleaner
Yes the history,which is what I said in the begining.It is still there,even after shutting down and restarting...I look at the brwsing history and it is still there.Using the most current update of ccleaner
As I suggested before, START AGAIN with your own topic, and specify your operating system version and Service Pack levels and browser and version and x32 or x64 hardware
You are causing needless confusing by adding your problems with whatever you are using to the problems of some-one else with different hardware and software.
SYMPTOMS: You cannot delete a long URL from the browsing history of Windows Internet Explorer on a computer that is running Windows 7 or Windows Server 2008 R2.
CAUSE: This issue occurs because Windows Search does not guarantee that URLs longer than 425 characters will be deleted.