CCleaner new version- no Registry issues found?

Since my Win7 system received an updated version of CCleaner, I no longer see any issues found when I run the Registry Cleaner. That's a big change from the past when there were always multiple issues found. Colleagues with Win7 systems report the same. Is there an issue here? Haven't seen any internet chatter on the subject.

What build number of CCleaner?

V 5.01.5075 (64-bit). CCleaner web site reported I have the latest version.

Windows 7 Home Premium 64-bit SP1, all available updates installed as of this morning (1/26/2015).

Trend Micro Maximum Security installed.

Just installed V 5.02.5101 (64-bit), same results on Registry scan- no issues detected.

Do the other machines also have Trend Micro on?

Unknown. Will ask.

One of the others responded. He's using Avast and Webroot, so the anti-virus package seems less likely to be involved in this.

Are the other machines connected to yours in anyway? Same network etc?

We are all members of the same internet forum. Other than that, there is no connection between the machines, different parts of the country, different networks.

One way to test the registry cleaner is to on purpose make an invalid file extension for CCleaner to find:
1. Create a New Text Document, and name it (without the quotes): Something.findme
2. Manually open Something.findme with Notepad - do NOT double-click on it or it could get registered as a valid file extension and we don't want that.
3. Run CCleaner's registry cleaner, it should find the new invalid file extension .findme and offer to remove it - if it doesn't find it you've perhaps discovered a bug in the registry cleaner.

Doing as you say, CCleaner does not report an issue in Registry Cleaner with the file I created with a bogus extension.

Should you decide to go back to an older CCleaner version where the registry cleaner worked for you they are here: