CCleaner new GUI sizes too big

Hi there,

I have several "mini-PC's" where the maximun screen resolution is 1024 x 600

As the CCleaner new GUI size is 800 x 600, it's a bit ugly to can't get it correctly on screen especially with task bar always visible.

Though for next build, could the CCleaner developers reduce the height to 550 px (for example) and make the wiidow resizable ??

Would be really appreciate


they don't care, they have taken a perfectly good piece of software, and made it a piece of crap. I have not upgraded since 4.17, and never will. if anybody says anything about this, they close the thread immediately which makes me think they could care less anymore, so why should any of their customers. since their monitoring function has been forced on users, the developers have become totally incompetent. I don't need that, but they seem to relish its competence. too bad, it used to be a good product, but now it sucks. wtg Piriform, that's what happens when you become incompetent, and refuse to listen to your customers.

What the original poster stated could be considered a bug, so lets stay on-topic and not hijack a possible legitimate issue with venting.