When I run CCLeaner manually in 'Cleaner' mode and select 'Analyze' I never get Microsoft Edge statistics. I do get IE, Windows temp files, Applications files, etc., but never Edge. Under 'Windows' all items under Microsoft Edge are selected as well as all items under Internet Explorer. All other selections are at the CCleaner recommended settings. I run CCleaner manually from time to time to get a feel for the amount of 'junk' or 'trash' files building or being generated on my Windows 10 Pro workstation. The workstation is up to date with all patches as well as CCleaner (v5.44.6577).
When I select 'Run Cleaner', the first action displayed is cleaning Edge files (i.e. history). Yet this cleaning status never shows as statistical files in the 'Analyze' mode. Edge statistics should show under Analyze.