CCleaner messed up my Pinterest account?

My computer was slowing down so I decided to use CCleaner and it asked if I wanted to force a close on Firefox which I was browsing a Pinterest board and I clicked yes and now I cannot log into my account and I cannot get any reset password emails from them.

I want to know if CCleaner messed up something or what I can do about this.

as a quick fix work-around, try accessing your site from IE or Chrome.

as to Firefox, maybe its cache or profile have been corrupted.

to clear out FF cache, hit Ctrl+F5 whilst in FF.

to fix the profile, my method is drastic, it'll wipe all your FF settings and treat you as a first time FF user, so you'll have to setup your preferences, extensions and such again.

go to (if Win7) C:\Users\your user\AppData\Roaming\Mozilla\Firefox and delete the profiles.ini file. when FF restarts, it'll make a new one.

other forum members may have a softer profile hammer to hit it with. :)