I've been a longtime user of Piriform's CCleaner and Defraggler. Back in the days (about 3 to 4 years ago) I bought CCleaner Pro and Defraggler Pro. Both of these were one-time licenses that didn't require a yearly subscription fee, because let's face it, that's exactly what I'm seeing when I go to the buypage right now to buy another license.
Has Piriform really gone the same way as the other corporates... (AutoDESK, Adobe, ...)? That's a real shame, especially when you'll apparantly have to shell out €25 a year. SURE, on a individual basis, that's not so much, but when EVERY company starts to do this, people will soon have to shell out something like €4000/y to €5000/y just for ALL that software being on a 'subscription'.
All I want to know, is whether you keep your license to have it check for updates and auto-update when there's a new version, without having to pay for the yearly priority support thing (because to pay €25/y just for an update feature, is beyond assinine). If not, then sadly I'll have to put the axe on this company too and find alternatives.
Kind regards