I have been using CCleaner to clean up a computer for a friend. When it tries to clean out the Temporary Internet or the Log files, it just runs for hours and hours. The percentage never goes up at all. If I click on cancel it will tell me how many files it has decided need to be removed up to that point. If I tell it to Run Cleaner, it runs and runs for hours. It never gets to the end. When I tried to use AVG on the computer, it went up to over 800,000 items scanned before I shut it off. My computer never goes over 350,000 items. I ran %temp% in the Run box and came up with over 10,000 files that I deleted manually, but it still runs and runs on the Temporay Internet files. This computer was purchased around 2006 and has never had anything cleaned out of it. Thanks for any help.
Try the built-in windows clean-up tool and the internet explorer built-in delete function. Then run ccleaner, should do better (my guess is that there is just a lot to delete, the ccleaner percentage meter iirc only shows the total percent cleaned, though I just woke up so I may be wrong)
I had to stop the disc cleaner from working. It would come on every time the computer was started. It would run to around 23% and then looked like it was just setting there. I am not sure what you are talking about when you say "internet explorer built-in delete function". If you Cancel the Analysis on CCleaner, it will bring up the amount of files it has found so far and says it can delete them. It says "Analysis Canceled (5583,561 secs) This Analysis is incomplete - 14,830 MB to be removed - Internet Explorer Temp Files.- 15,185,833KB and 586,695 files." I have put it on Run Cleaner and will let it run until it stops. It will take a long time. I just thought maybe something was wrong with the program but I guess it is working right. If I thought it would not hurt anything, I would go into the Data app/Local and remove most of what is in there. Some people on the Internet say it won't hurt and other people say to leave it alone. This is a very slow running computer. It only has 1 GB harddrive which is probably its biggest problem.
In internet explorer
Go to tools
Delete history
8 years worth of junk is going to take a long while. Are you sure your aren't practicing impatience?
If you're really unsure if it's functional you can run a debug (instructions are at the top of the ccleaner bugs board)