Hi. I just used CCleaner for the first time today to clean up my registry. My registry had never been cleaned since I first installed WinXP about 2 years ago now. Anyway, CCleaner Issues found about 1800 problems in the registry which I let it clean up.
Now my machine is still running fine, but I noticed that when I loaded a mixed-media DVD the dialog box that pops up asking what program to run was still listing several programs that I had uninstalled sometime back (with blank icons since the files no longer existed). So I decided to run CCleaner Issues again and the second run produced another huge number of problems, almost all ActiveX and Class issues. Is this to be expected? Do you need to run CCleaner a number of times to finally cleanup the registry? Why didn't the first run get everything?
i am not very familiar with ccleaner itself, but I know a little about registry issues. maybe I can help you.
you are saying you haven?t have your reg cleaned out for two years and this was the very first time?
my suggestions.
a. it depends on what kind of reg-cleaner you use (ccleaner is already very good but there are still better (freeware) ones)
b. the reg needs to be reloaded several times (win-start-up) to finaly "notice" the missing remaining entries, which can then be safely cleaned out. this procedure cannot be done in only one round.
if the ccleaner hasn?t properly cleaned out the uninstall-section of your registry, you can do that manually by jumping on reg-key:
So far whenever I run CCleaner Issues it finds another 1700 entries to be deleted. How much crap is in my registry? Why do I have to run CCleaner again and again? Will it ever end? Some guidance from an experienced CCleaner user would be appreciated.
The first time you run the Issues scanner it will find stuff (allot of stuff if you've never used a registry cleaner before), and then you end up with an ongoing list of invalid entries that Issues will keep finding until it removes them all.
A simple explaination:
Removing one invalid key can/may all of a sudden make another key that depends upon it become invalid, and so forth. You just have to keep cleaning until Issues doesn't find anything anymore.
And by the way make sure your user profile has Administrator priveleges when cleaning the registry, hence if it doesn't you'll never be able to remove invalid keys.
Removing one invalid key can/may all of a sudden make another key that depends upon it become invalid, and so forth. You just have to keep cleaning until Issues doesn't find anything anymore.
Thanks so much for the info! I'll just keep running CCleaner, most everything it is finding now are ActiveX/Com entries.
And by the way make sure your user profile has Administrator priveleges when cleaning the registry, hence if it doesn't you'll never be able to remove invalid keys.
I'm glad I discovered this forum and read your comment. I was scanning my Registry with CCleaner and kept getting the same items over and over. This was while logged on under a limited account. After reading your post, I logged on as Adminstrator, scanned again, and, this time, the items did not reappear upon a subsequent scan.
if you are into the issue of cleaning out your Reg., try to get a hand on a professional programm that can be freeare aswell.
CCleaner is already very good, but you are better off with a separate specialized programm.
I would also recomend a Reg-Defrag Prog. as "NTDefrag" to "boil" down the already reduced Reg., especially after the deletion of 1600 false entries.
A much better program to defragment and reduce the size of your registry is ERUNT. To defragment your registry use the NTREGOPT program installed with it. ERUNT allows you to make a FULL backup of your registry (once a day at startup if you'd like) that you can use if something goes wrong with your registry.
Well, something is very fishy. I've been running CCleaner on my registry and it keeps finding the same 1623 entries. The account I have been using is a member of the WinXP administrators group. The first two runs of CCleaner seemed to actually remove a few things, but all subsequent runs seem to be doing nothing, the exact same 1623 entries keep showing up. Does anyone have any idea what could be going on here? Should I reboot after every sweep?
Constant rebooting shouldn't be necessary. Although I doubt running programs would cause that many entries to stay intact you may want to cleanse the registry in Safe Mode so that running applications can be ruled out. Note: Scanning in Safe Mode will take significantly longer.
Well, something is very fishy. I've been running CCleaner on my registry and it keeps finding the same 1623 entries. The account I have been using is a member of the WinXP administrators group. The first two runs of CCleaner seemed to actually remove a few things, but all subsequent runs seem to be doing nothing, the exact same 1623 entries keep showing up. Does anyone have any idea what could be going on here? Should I reboot after every sweep?
Here is your answer. I, and many others have had the same problem. They should PIN this.
Run this program and it will correct the problem of CCleaner not fixing issues.
This is from the Dial-a-Fix website.
Q: The same items keep appearing in the Issues scan in CCleaner, what should I do?
A: Run the Repair Permissions tool in Dial-a-fix. This will fix it in 99% of the cases out there. If you are unable to run this tool, try it in Safe mode with command prompt.
If you have other registry permissions issues which have not been covered here, contact the Dial-a-fix email address.