CCleaner is causing The Blue Screen of Death


Hi, I'm a bit fo a newbie here!

I've been using CrapCleaner for quite a long time now, always updating it etc. But recently, I got The Blue Screen of Death- 'Bad Pool Caller'. I checked everything, uninstalled various programs but nothing helped. I kept getting it. However, I uninstalled CrapCleaner and now the problem is gone. <_< However, is there any way to get around this? I love using CCleaner, can anyone help as to why it is causing this.?!? I'm not that great with computers,so please don't get too technical ~ :blink:

(my brother reinstalled CCleaner and it did it...again)

I would uninstall as best as you can, download CC again from one of the links on the Piriform page, and reinstall. If it still happens give a little info on O/S and what virus/spy/malware/etc stuff you have installed.

it's always a good idea to give some additional info when posting a problem such as operating system used and which sevice pack is installed. Also how much memory you have installed.

Many things can cause this error. If you could give the exact error message shown it would be helpful.