Two weeks ago i buyed again a CCleaner license.
When i register the Key, then its working, i can update and everything, but a few hours later when i open ccleaner again its back in FREE Mode..
I already de-installed ccleaner and deleted everything what was mentioned in the registry of it, but the problem is still available.
Im using Windows 10 20H2..
Would be nice if somebody would have an idea, because its not nice to pay for something and always get kicked back to free hehe :)
Yes, i updated to the latest version, he offers me to download the update and 1min later it was back again to free, because he forwarded me to the web page.
I installed the key again and then i worked as it should be.
Just closed it after the screenshot with "X" and again "Back to Free"..
*EDIT: yes, its repeatable, i enter the License key and then its "registered" after i press "X" (not closed only back to task) and when i open again its "Not Registered"
This is unintended behaviour, and a member of our team will contact you shortly here on the forums to ask for your license key so we can check this out.
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I am also experiencing this issue. Can someone please contact me too to see if it can be rectified.
To confirm, I have the latest version installed (5.73.8130)
Below shows that I'm activated. However if I close and re-open I have to enter the license key again
<a data-wrappedlink="" href="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2020_10/image.png.40773157cde2b593b32d85cbc923fa48.png" title="Enlarge image" data-fileid="14085" data-fileext="png" rel=""><img alt="image.png.40773157cde2b593b32d85cbc923fa48.png" class="ipsImage ipsImage_thumbnailed" data-fileid="14085" data-ratio="74.27" width="447" src="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2020_10/image.png.40773157cde2b593b32d85cbc923fa48.png"></a>
Hi DazmanUK. We're very sorry you are experiencing this issue, and we'll gladly create a new license for you in order to resolve the problem.
Does our support team have permission to contact you via email, using the same email address that is registered to your forums account?
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I started with DEBUG..
CCleaner64_v5.73.8130_2020-10-26_19-46-24-edit.log (Key and Name edited)
*I started, entered my License Key and closed it after checking if the License is complete.
*Started again, License gone.
<a class="ipsAttachLink ipsAttachLink_block" data-fileext="log" data-fileid="14077" data-loaded="true" href="<___base_url___>/applications/core/interface/file/attachment.php?id=14077" rel=""><span class="ipsAttachLink_title">CCleaner64_v5.73.8130_2020-10-26_19-46-24-edit.log</span><span class="ipsAttachLink_metaInfo"> 6.57 kB · 2 downloads </span> </a> <a class="ipsAttachLink ipsAttachLink_block" data-fileext="log" data-fileid="14078" data-loaded="true" href="<___base_url___>/applications/core/interface/file/attachment.php?id=14078" rel=""> <span class="ipsAttachLink_title">CCleaner64_v5.73.8130_2020-10-26_19-46-47.log</span><span class="ipsAttachLink_metaInfo"> 2.17 kB · 2 downloads </span> </a>
Hi Jonny0r. Thanks for providing the log files as we've been collecting these and we appreciate your help with this.
Our support team will gladly create a new license for you in order to resolve this problem. Can they contact you via email, using he same email address that is registered to your forums account?
I'm having the same problem with the registration of my key. I've tried reinstalling a bunch of times but everytime I restard the program I need to register again.
Please contact me as soon as possible on the email adress registered on this forum account.
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Good day,
I'm having the same problem with the registration of my key. I've tried reinstalling a bunch of times but everytime I restard the program I need to register again.
Please contact me as soon as possible on the email adress registered on this forum account.
Thank you and have a great day.
Thanks for notifying us of this. I'll ask our support team to contact you via email so you should hear from someone soon.
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Same problem here..constant requests to register..can we fix this annoying problem please.
Hi Bob, thanks for notifying us of this, and please accept our apologies for any trouble this has caused to you.
We'll create a new license for you in order to resolve this problem, and I'll send you an email now.
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Hi i humbly request from the staff to fix this issue. Its disturb our office working flow, we can not put the key again and again
waiting for the improvement
As noted by Nukecad, please contact so that our support team can verify your existing license and issue you a new one in order to correct this issue. This isn't something that can be taken care of publicly on a forum, as then your license details would be available for everyone to see, and we don't want that.