ccleaner install deletes program folder

Running Win 10 pro 64 using up to date Windows Defender and Malwarebytes corporate Endpoint Security. Scans by both reveal no malware or virus issues.

However, when attempting to install ccleaner (either using GUI or command line with /S switch) of more than one version (555 & 560), the process appears to run properly but, when it's finished, the program folder is missing and the proper registry values remain.

Any suggestions would be appreciated.

Thank you in advance.

Lou Smith

My thought would be that the Malwarebytes Endpoint Security (not something I'm particularly familiar with) may be preventing the 'Standard' CCleaner installer from running correctly, because of the bundled offer it contains.

I would check the Malwarebytes Endpoint detection log to see if that is what is happening.

Or you could try using the 'Slim' CCleaner installer which does not include any bundled offer.

It is available on the 'Builds' page.

Thanks for the suggestion nukecad. I tried the slim package with the exact same results and logs show nothing unusual.

What's particularly odd here is that the install proceeds to completition and only when it attempts to open the program, the exe "...can't be found." and that is because the entire folder is gone but the proper registry entries are there. If the AV or MES had a problem with the installer, it wouldn't be allowed to write to the registry yet that is exactly what is happening.

I've been in the tech field for decades and this is a combination I've not ever seen.

Any other ideas?

Try creating a new admin user and boot into it.

Can you keep the program file then? Use a standard type install without switches.

(you can always delete the user after the test)

The only other thing that I can guess (and it is a guess) is if you are trying to install on an endpoint then maybe it needs the /D parameter to specify the drive/path to install on as well?

Whether that can even be used to specify an endpoint is above my knowledge.

4 hours ago, hazelnut said:
<div class="ipsQuote_contents">
		Try creating a new admin user and boot  into it.

		Can you keep the program file then? Use a standard type install without switches.

		(you can always delete the user after the test)

Results were the same... no program folder but all registry entries were replaced after having been deleted. I also see that start menu and desktop icons were created so the intallation process is definitely being allowed to run before the folder is deleted.

I just tested another computer in the office running Win 10 Home, Windows Defender and Malwarebytes Corporate Endpoint Security.

It had CC ver 555 on it and the upgrade to 560 worked properly.

I then uninstalled 560 and reinstalled it. That too ran perfectly.

On the Win 10 Pro box, I've now completed full scans for malware and viruses with zero hits and run the install under a different admin user with the same results. The problem is obviously on this box but I am at a loss for fresh ideas as to why cCleaner is being singled out to have the folder deleted after the installation is complete.

NOTE: This box has the free versions of ALL the Piriform tools installed. Only cCleaner has this problem.

Does the same thing happen if you install CCleaner in safe mode?

7 hours ago, hazelnut said:
<div class="ipsQuote_contents">
		Does the same thing happen if you install CCleaner in safe mode?

Yes it does.


The fact that it's a Win Pro machine shouldn't make any difference.

You made no changes made regarding Win Def or gpedit ? No settings changes about only using store apps etc?

I guess you could always try DISM /Online /Cleanup-Image /RestoreHealth

Did you see the CC program folder in program files before it "disappeared"?

If you have an icon on desktop, where is it pointing to?

Search the system for the CC program folder using a good file search program.

4 hours ago, hazelnut said:
<div class="ipsQuote_contents">
		You made no changes made regarding Win Def or gpedit  ? No settings changes about only using store apps etc?

		I guess you could always try <strong>DISM /Online /Cleanup-Image /RestoreHealth</strong>

No changes have been made to Win Def or gpedit and the setting for store apps is not limited.

After running DISM as you suggested, the results remain the same.

4 hours ago, Jamin4u said:
<div class="ipsQuote_contents">
		Did you see the CC program folder in program files before it "disappeared"?

		If you have an icon on desktop, where is it pointing to?

		Search the system for the CC program folder using a good file search program.


Default location which is also shown in the registry values



Presumably this box with the problem is networked? (Maybe with some mapped drives).

What happens if you unplug the cables, disconnect from the network, and try installing CC?

I've no doubt that it's something simple that we are just not thinking of.

33 minutes ago, ProTek2 said:
<div class="ipsQuote_contents ipsClearfix">
		No changes have been made to Win Def or gpedit and the setting for store apps is not limited.

		After running DISM as you suggested, the results remain the same.

As well as nukead's suggestion above does anything 'odd' show when you press Start, type Reliability History and wait for it to load ?

17 minutes ago, nukecad said:
<div class="ipsQuote_contents">
		I've no doubt that it's something simple that we are just not thinking of.

First, I want to thank each of you who provided ideas that kept me looking.

Nukecad said what those of us who've been in the tech field very long were beginning to conclude... it's something simple.

So... I ran the install one again and looked at all the options, clicked the advanced button and when the destination window came up showing c:\Program Files\CCleaner, the "Next" button was grayed out.

Bingo! That meant that the folder was not only hidden, it was corrupted. I deleted it, reinstalled CCleaner and all is well.

I hope this helps someone somewhere.

Thanks again.

Glad to hear you are all sorted now :)

Good spot.

As simple of removing all traces of an old install before reinstalling.

(OK, maybe a bit more seing as the folder was hidden and corrupted).

Now why didn't we think of that? It's something we often advise when someone is having trouble with an install.