ccleaner incomplete

I have an old Gatewaysolo laptop that I have not used in awhile. I downloaded CCleaner and performed a scan of the system. It did a great job cleaning up a lot of crap, however it left two items. I have tried deleting them over and over and they will not delete. This is what it looks like.

Cleaning Complete - (1.33 Secs)

0 bytes removed

Details of files removed

Marked for deletion: C:\Windows\Temporary Internet Files\Content IE5\index.dat

Marked for deletion: C:\Windows\Cookies\index.dat

They will not remove from the laptop.

When I run CCleaner on my Dell it clears all fields. It appears to clean the way described.

What do you think is the problem?

Richard Leumas

There is no problem. Those files are marked for deletion and will be deleted on next reboot/bootup. Then they get recreated as those are somewhat needed files.

Thanks Tarun,

I'll take your word for it. Even though I have rebooted the laptop on mumerous occassions, those two items remain. It clears everything else, except those two items.

It is strange that CCleaner appears to clean everyting on my Dell, but not my laptop.

Richard <_<

Windows automatically restores/remakes certain needed files. index.dat is just some of the files.