Hey, I am new to this forum but not new to CCleaner as I have been using it for about a year. Recently, I have had some problems with it. My Start menu shortcuts went missing and I suspect its due to CCleaner. So, can anyone tell me what each fuction of CCleaner does? For example, if I check 'History' under Internet Explorer, I suppose CCleaner deletes the Internat Explorer Browsing History. But how about 'Index.dat' files under Internet Explorer and 'Old Prefetch Data' under Advanced? I hope its not too much that you explain to me what each and every function does so that I don't delete anything else by mistake and I can use CCleaner with a peace of mind. Thank you.
Always helps if you include your operating system in a post
Have a read here which may answer some of your questions
Always helps if you include your operating system in a post
Have a read here which may answer some of your questions
Oh yes, just what I needed. Thanks a lot for your help...