Health check (ccleaner free 5.75.8238 64bit) tells me that I have irfanview 5.74, and the latest version is 5.76. However, I have 5.76, and the irfanvew web site says no updates are available.
Health check (ccleaner free 5.75.8238 64bit) tells me that I have irfanview 5.74, and the latest version is 5.76. However, I have 5.76, and the irfanvew web site says no updates are available.
I think that you have your Irfanview versions mixed up (with your CCleaner version?) there.
Irfanview 4.56 (Release date: 2020-10-21) is the latest version showing on the Irfanview website.
If you 'Check homepage for updates' in Irfanview itself then it should tell you the same.
Could you please look at CCleaners Tools>Software Updater and see what that tells you for Irfanview (either in 'Programmes to Update' or in 'Up-to-date Programs'.
A screenshot from CCleaner like the one I've posted below could be useful.
However, having said that I note that my CCleaner is also getting this wrong (but the other way round).
Health Check says there are no apps to update.
Software Updater says that I have Irfanview 4.56, when Irfanview says I only have 4.54 installed.
(Software Updater has also got 32-bit and 64-bit versions mixed up, I have the 64-bit installed).
@Dave CCleanerYou were asking for examples of any discrepancies found in this area.
(I'll hold off installing Irfanview 4.56 for now in case you want any logs or testing done).
Checking a little bit further; Windows says that I have both 32-bit and 64-bit Irfanview installed, but at different version numbers.
It looks like the last Irfanview update I did only updated the 32-bit version. (Or somehow installed the 32-bit rather than updating the 64?).
If I remember correctly I updated it through Health Check, which apparently is only seeing the 32-bit version, so that could explain how this has happened.
If Health Check and Software Updater are ony finding/updating the 32-bit, and then not checking if the 64-bit is also there, it would be better to check/update for the 64-bit first.
Anyway it's probably this version discrepancy that is causing the updater error with Irfanview:
This has been passed along to QA and the dev team for investigation.
I have now manually updated the 64-bit Irfanview, and uninstalled the 32-bit.
Software Updater now reports the correct 64-bit version, and at the correct v4.56 release.
Just how the 32-bit got onto my machine in the first place I'm unsure.
(My suspicion is that Health Check/Software Updater did it but will have to wait for the next Irfanview update to test/check).