CCleaner hangs when program is first initiated

This has been happening on pretty much every XP computer I've installed CCleaner on for the last 2 or 3 incarnations of the application: When I first bring up CCleaner (from a shortcut I've placed at the top of the Classic Start Menu for easy access), the Start button stays pressed in (sticks) for several (7 to 10) seconds, then it finally pops out and a couple of (2 or 3) seconds later CCleaner pops up. No other application I've installed exhibits this behavior, and CCleaner never exhibited this behavior prior to 2 or 3 incarnations ago. I wish it would get resolved, I can't be the only person who's experiencing this anomaly. This behavior has occurred primarily on Windows XP computers, it doesn't exhibit this behavior on a Windows 2000 Professional computer (866mhz PIII, 512mb RAM) I'm working on right now...

Thanks, -kd5-

I have never seen the button stick,

but I also have never launched it from a pinned short-cut.

I always had CCleaner start-up instantly,

until I added winapp2.ini and then I had to wait perhaps 7 to 10 seconds.

I cured that problem by removing from Winapp2.ini 95 % of its contents,

retaining only the 5 % that corresponded to a few applications that were installed.


I'm assuming you're talking about clearing the list of applications CCleaner cleans junk files from? Why would I want to hobble CCleaner? I would rather its author resolve the issue that is causing CCleaner to hang than remove half it's capabilities.

Thank you for responding, -kd5-

I'm assuming you're talking about clearing the list of applications CCleaner cleans junk files from? Why would I want to hobble CCleaner? I would rather its author resolve the issue that is causing CCleaner to hang than remove half it's capabilities.

Thank you for responding, -kd5-


NOT start-up to clearing an application list.

I am talking about a long start-up delay that has been often commented upon in this forum.

The start-up before CCleaner is able to do an analysis and clean,

whilst it revises its default cleansing with the additional supplements specified in Winapp2.ini.

What merely delays the availability of analysis/cleanse buttons on a "normal" XP,

may delay your release of a button on a "Classic" XP.

In no way have I hobbled CCleaner.

I simply removed 97% of the original corresponding to applications I never use,

and then added 2% of my own special requirements.


You'll notice by my post count that I'm new here, but I am not new to computers. I work on computers for a living but I do not alter software beyond changing Options/Preferences. I did a 'Search' for CCleaner hangs, the only topic that looked like it might address this issue was mine. I have searched for Winapp2.ini on my computer (also in Hidden Files & Folders) and it does not exist in my file system. I am not inclined to sit here for hours reading through seemingly unrelated threads to find anything about this, could you enlighten me?

I still do not understand why the author can't just fix the problem since it 'has been often commented upon in this forum'.

Since my thread was moved to Bug Reporting, I assumed I would hear from someone responsible for CCleaner's development, apparently they don't venture here. -kd5-

I still do not understand why the author can't just fix the problem since it 'has been often commented upon in this forum'.

I've read of complaints of slow computer start-up, but none spring to mind about the slow start-up of CCleaner itself. I have CCleaner on two XP systems, one Pro and one Home and neither exhibit a delay when starting CCleaner.

Since my thread was moved to Bug Reporting, I assumed I would hear from someone responsible for CCleaner's development, apparently they don't venture here.

Oh, who's told you that? Or have they just not given you enough attention?

Do you get a start-up delay when you fire up the exe directly from the program folder?

If I start CCleaner from the Start, Programs menu or from the shortcut I've placed at the top of the Start menu, the Start button will stick in for approx. 5 to 7 seconds, will then pop out, and CCleaner will come up after an additional 3 to 4 seconds (2.2ghz P4 laptop and/or desktop, 1gb RAM, 60/80gb hard drive, fresh install of XP SP3 w/ full suite of freshly installed applications, barest minimum no. of apps running at Startup or in the background, Services tweaked).

If I initiate CCleaner from Start, Run, navigate to CCleaner in Program Files, CCleaner takes 7 or 8 seconds to come up. Since the Start button has already popped out, all time is spent on CCleaner appearing from the moment it is initiated.

On my computer (Self-built, 3.4ghz P4, 2gb RAM, 80gb hard drive, tweaked XP SP3 install), the Start button does not stick in, but it takes 5 to 7 seconds for CCleaner to come up.

On all computers, once CCleaner has come up that first time, subsequent appearances take 1 or 2 seconds. If I log off or reboot, CCleaner again takes time to come up that first time, on numerous computers the Start button sticks for several seconds then pops out, and CCleaner appears a couple 3 or 4 seconds later.

If this thread hadn't been moved to Bug Reports, maybe others would chime in, I can't believe I'm the only person this is happening to. I haven't altered CCleaner in any way, shape, or form except to add DNS Cache, Old Prefetch data, and IIS Log files to the list of Windows items cleaned, and enable Secure File Deletion (3 passes), but none of that runs until you intiate CCleaner's cleaning capabilities.

Why is CCleaner taking so long to load, and why does it cause the Start button to stick in (on XP computers) like that? -kd5-

If I initiate CCleaner from Start, Run, navigate to CCleaner in Program Files, CCleaner takes 7 or 8 seconds to come up.

Can you actually try it from the program files location in Windows Explorer (I'm not clear from the above sentence whether you've tried that, or just from the Run diaolg)? I'm just trying to exclude any menu handling from the equation. To be honest I suspect you'll still get a delay because every other program is okay from the menu, but it's worth trying.

Also, open task manager before you click the shortcut. Does the CCleaner process appear immediately, before you see the GUI, or does it take several seconds for the process to appear?

Is there a common factor across your PCs in terms of the software build (beyond XP that is; it's not just XP or everyone would get it)? I'm thinking particularly security software, utility software ... are there many commonalities? It seems odd that you are getting it on all of your machines.

You could also try downloading the portable build from here ... ... (CCleaner - Portable Zip file, no installer). Just deploy it in a folder somewhere, and double-click the exe. How does that behave?

I don't think the fact it's in this forum makes any difference - you'll get just as many people reading/commenting.

Just installed v2.31.1153 on 2 computers, 1 running Vista Home Premium SP2 (2.16ghz Pentium dual core, 1gb RAM), the other running XP MCE SP3 (3ghz P4 Prescott, 1gb RAM), the same suite of antivirus/antispyware applications installed, the same basic suite of applications installed, very little running in the background or at Startup, Services tweaked (via Black Viper). CCleaner opens from a pinned shortcut on the Vista computer within a couple of seconds. On the XP computer, the pinned shortcut hangs for 7 to 10 seconds, then CCleaner appears after another 3 or 4 seconds.

So, nothing has changed. CCleaner still hangs when bringing it up from a shortcut on XP computers. I can't tell my customers to go into their Program Files folder and bring CCleaner up from there, that's not even an option. -kd5-

CCleaner still hangs when bringing it up from a shortcut on XP computers.

That statement is incorrect. I just made a shortcut on my machine (xp) and ccleaner opened in just over a second.

I have 2 studios open and a virtual machine running. So a fairly heavy work load.

That statement is incorrect.

Well, I'm certainly not lying.

I'm happy that it works just perfectly for you, but it doesn't for me. I work on computers for a living but I don't write or rewrite software. I install it and it's supposed to work, but I have found on several XP machines I've completely wiped and reinstalled everything from scratch, that CCleaner hangs when brought up from a shortcut I've placed at the top of the Start menu for ready access. -kd5-

Hi kd5.

I've just tried to duplicate your problem.

I've tried a shortcut pinned to the "Classic" style menu and CCleaner opened from that pinned shortcut within a few seconds.


I've actually had my CCleaner shortcut pinned to the normal XP style start menu for as long as I can remember, and I've never had a problem with a delayed start.


This doesn't mean that anyone disbelieves that you have this problem, just that it makes it difficult to pin down as I feel pretty confident it may not be a CCleaner bug. This is the first time I've encountered this particular issue, and we usually get folk jumping straight into topics if they have the same problem, but none so far.

What the other guys are trying to find out is where the problem lies. Is it with the shortcut, or is it with the exe file, or indeed something else. This is why Marmite asked you to try launching CCleaner directly from its exe file in the program files folder.

We don't expect you to ask your customers to do that, it's just an exercise in elimination.

If it launches OK from there, then that eliminates the exe file being the problem.

What Alan was trying to explain is the fact that a user produced INI file, winapp2,ini, containing a lot of entries suggested and supplied by CCleaner users, has been the cause of CCleaner slow downs.

Alan was suggesting removing all the entries alluding to software you don't have installed, which isn't cobbling CCleaner, as the normal INI used by CCleaner is embedded in the exe file.

As the winapp2.ini isn't installed by default, you probably don't have it, but I would still check the CCleaner folder to make sure.

All that out of the way, it can only be a case of trial and error to find the cause of your start up hang.

Do you install CCleaner on all of your machines from the same installer, or do you download new installers for each one?

Have you tried a complete reinstall of CCleaner with new shortcuts?

Have you tried launching CCleaner with your security software disabled? While disconnected from the Internet of course.

Can you launch CCleaner either directly or from it's pinned shortcut in "safe mode". If so, it eliminates CCleaner and the shortcut and would suggest something loading with Windows is causing a conflict of some sort.

There has to be some common denominator with your XP machines reacting in some way.

Is there any difference between the CCleaner shorcut and the others you have pinned?

What I mean is you can have an exe file pinned to the start menu as opposed to a shortcut.


My CCleaner pin is a shortcut:


My Process Explorer pin appears to be the ex file itself:


Just a few thoughts to try narrow down the possible causes of this issue.

Well, I'm certainly not lying.

I'm happy that it works just perfectly for you, but it doesn't for me. I work on computers for a living but I don't write or rewrite software. I install it and it's supposed to work, but I have found on several XP machines I've completely wiped and reinstalled everything from scratch, that CCleaner hangs when brought up from a shortcut I've placed at the top of the Start menu for ready access. -kd5-

And i certainly don't disbelieve you. I don't work on computers for a living but i do repair probably 1 computer a week for friends of friends etc. I always install ccleaner (with consent) and i have never experienced the issue you are having.

So it does lead me to think that maybe as dennis said that maybe it's some security software. Is there a particular piece of software that you install on every pc?

This on XP computers:

I install SpywareBlaster, SpywareGuard, & Windows Defender for realtime antispyware/homepage hijacking protection (with Windows Defender set to scan daily), SuperAntiSpyware as the primary method of scanning for detection & removal, and I install Avast! as the antivirus of choice, with sensitivity set to high throughout, for maximum protection. -kd5-

This on XP computers:

I install SpywareBlaster, SpywareGuard, & Windows Defender for realtime antispyware/homepage hijacking protection (with Windows Defender set to scan daily), SuperAntiSpyware as the primary method of scanning for detection & removal, and I install Avast! as the antivirus of choice, with sensitivity set to high throughout, for maximum protection. -kd5-

Your problem could lie with the applications I've highlighted above:


Screenshot taken from detailed security advice provided by our Spyware Moderator, here:

This is why I've asked you to try a few things yourself, such as disable security software, but you haven't responded with any answers to those suggestions yet.

Trial and error is the only way to solve an issue like this as your set-up is unique to your computers. There's no way we can reproduce this, and your set-up will cause some kind of conflict on your PC, which isn't always easy to nail down.

This on XP computers:

I install SpywareBlaster, SpywareGuard, & Windows Defender for realtime antispyware/homepage hijacking protection (with Windows Defender set to scan daily), SuperAntiSpyware as the primary method of scanning for detection & removal, and I install Avast! as the antivirus of choice, with sensitivity set to high throughout, for maximum protection. -kd5-

why on earth would you install so many apps?

Saturday 8 May 2010


Hey kd5 - Back to your original Post!

Subject: CCleaner "hangs" by opening very slowly after you command it to execute (open).

You summarized the problem perfectly !

And it (the identical problem) has plagued me for the exact same time period (since March this year - 2010).

Exactly what you noted:

- Recent CCleaner versions (last few iterations) open very slowly after double-clicking the shortcut (I've used CCleaner for two or three years and this problem is a new one).

- In my case, there is a start-up delay (CCleaner Main Window to display) of approximately 5 to 7 seconds (an eternity when computing - especially for such a lean & mean application).

- If I open CCleaner again fairly soon after the delayed attempt - it pops open quickly (as per past normal operation); like you surmised: a possible memory problem on initial load?

- The only other program modifications that I can correlate with the CCleaner opening delay problem is the several new iterations of Firefox Browser (new 3.5 & 3.6 versions) that I have upgraded to; but when I exclude Firefox (in Applications - Options - Exclude) it doesn't Help: Same slow opening !

- I've uninstalled and reinstalled CCleaner multiple times using multiple techniques (including command prompt and with hard reboots in-between attempts): still no luck fixing !

I'm a very experienced computer enthusiast with a Computer Technical Degree & A+ Cert. I've put a lot of brain bytes on this problem, and spent a lot of time trouble-shooting and surfing for a solution; but as yet - the problem lives and breathes.


I have a fairly current clean & lean machine that I keep immaculately free from Malware, and constantly updated in a very aggressive & timely fashion:

- XP Pro, Ubuntu 10.04 and a MS Server 2008 VM (in Sun/Oracle VirtualBox)

- Gigabyte P45 MOBO

- Intel E8500 Wolfdale (Core 2 Duo)

- 4GB G-Skill DDR2 1066 PC8500 RAM

- Sapphire ATI Radeon HD Toxic 4850

- 300GB WD Veloci-Raptor and 1 TB Seagate Barracuda

- Malware Order of Battle:

-- Active: Avira AntiVir, Windows Defender, Zone Alarm Firewall, DSL Modem Firewall.

-- Passive (Manual): SpyBot Search & Destroy, MalwareBytes Anti-Malware, Rootkit Revealer.

- Active Startup Processes (with nothing open) in the mid 20's on Task Manager(so I certainly don't allow a lot of junk to run in the background).

So I concur with "kd5" - the Problem is very real and the fix - Very Elusive !

Hoping the great Piriform/CCleaner Tech guys & Coders are reading this).

Standing by for a fix !


Johnny M!

Johnny if you boot into safe mode and open ccleaner from the desktop shortcut, do you still get the delay?

Also in your testing for a solution to this issue did you try disabling windows defender as a test?

I posted the same questions above hazel ...

Have you tried launching CCleaner with your security software disabled? While disconnected from the Internet of course.

Can you launch CCleaner either directly or from it's pinned shortcut in "safe mode". If so, it eliminates CCleaner and the shortcut and would suggest something loading with Windows is causing a conflict of some sort.

... and it's pretty frustrating when they're not acknowledged or answered. Even if they didn't work, knowing that would help in the elimination process.

Dear HazelNut and DennisD,

Thanks for the Advice - Here are my Results:

SAFE Mode (Booting into): I know this disables most (unnecessary) hardware Drivers; allowing you to troubleshoot a non-cooperative machine sometimes. I hadn't really considered Safe Mode because I couldn't remember updating any Drivers (MS Update or Manually). But then I remembered that I did update ATI Catalyst Control Center & Video Drivers! So I gave SAFE Mode a try - but unfortunately: that DIDN'T fix the Problem.

Disabling Auto-Start Programs (in msconfig.exe): OK - maybe we are on to something here. I hadn't considered this before because all 4 of my auto start programs have been configured that way for a year (No Changes). But CCleaner isn't opening normally so it sure is worth trying !

I had 4 Programs automatically enabled at Boot:

- Avira AntiVir (Active Real-Time Malware Scanner)

- Windows Defender (MASCUI) (Active Real-Time Spy-ware Scanner)

- Acronis True Image (a schedule help file: schedhlp)

- Zone Alarm Firewall

So I disabled them all and started rebooting:

- With all 4 Disabled: CCleaner opened just Fine - No Delay !!! The culprit must be one of the them !!!!!!!!! I'll enable one by one and see who the troublemaker is!

- Start with Zone Alarm Only: CCleaner opened just Fine - No Delay !!! The culprit must be one of the other three!

- With Zone Alarm and Windows Defender: BAD BAD BAD ! The opening Delay is Back (I think we know who the bad actor is)

- Zone Alarm & Avira AntiVir: CCleaner opened just Fine - No Delay !!!

- Zone Alarm & Avira AntiVir & Acroni schedhlp: CCleaner opened just Fine - No Delay !!! (Tested DSL Modem Connected and Disconnected) Both OK

- Reconfigured to start all 4 (including the suspect Windows Defender): BAD BAD BAD ! The opening Delay is Back (I think we know who the bad actor is for Sure) !

OK - we know the trouble is with Windows Defender !!!

My Thoughts:

- Windows Defender and CCleaner played together nicely for two or three years before this Spring - So what Changed ????

- Either Windows Defender changed (it is often updated by Microsoft Update)

- Or the way CCleaner interacts with Windows Defender has changed in recent versions !

I trying excluding Windows Defender Program Folder (Applications - Options - Exclude), but to no Avail ! CCleaner still opened slowly as long as Windows Defender was running !


OK Microsoft and Piriform: Let's figure out how to play together nicely !

Now you know the problem !

I'm looking forward to a future remedy !

Thanks !


Johnny M!