I am using the newest version of CCleaner now. I have not been that familiar with the newest features of CCleaner. One of them was this Health Check option and when I click the "skip to start health check", CCleaner seem to hang for a minute or two before asking me to close my browser to start health check. Is this normal?
Its normal for me however for CCleaner to load for maybe 3 minutes on the Custom Clean area since I am using a Winapp32 file and CCleaner seems to take time populating the cleaning options and this is an old low-spec netbook. I have been away from this forum for a while and things have been adding up. Thank you.
Health Check has grown out of Quick Clean/Easy Clean and is meant as an easy (dumbed down?) way for inexperienced users to use CCleaner.
It has it's own cleaning rules that you cannot change, and also includes the equivalent of the 'Startup' and 'Software Updater' tools as standared each time you run it.
Heath Check will not use the settings from Custom Clean - And as you are a winapp2 user then note especially that Health Check will not use winapp2.
Although Health Check is now made the default option when you first install/update CCleaner you don't have to leave it as the default.
Go to Options>Settings and set 'CCleaner Home Screen' to 'Custom Clean'.
CCleaner will then use Custom Clean as your default (.ncluding winapp2) and will not run 'Startup' or 'Software Updater' every time you clean.
PS. If winapp2 is taking a long time to load then that may be because you haven't trimmed out the entries that are unnecessary for your machine.
See this: <a href="<___base_url___>/topic/57888-winapp2/?tab=comments#comment-318161" rel="">https://community.ccleaner.com/topic/57888-winapp2/?tab=comments#comment-318161</a>
Thanks for the tip. I am now able to update my Winapp32 file and trim it with the Winapp2ool. Now CCleaner, Custom Clean section loads much faster. I wish I had known this much earlier. Thanks again.