CCleaner Hangs in Secure File Deletion

(The title should read: CCleaner Hangs in Secure File Deletion, but cannot be edited.)

First, here is my computer setup:

HP Z-Book laptop computer (late 2013/2014 model)

17-inch screen

Windows 7, 64-bit, SP1

Intel Core i7-4800MQ CPU @ 2.7GHz

32.0 GB RAM

Intel HD Graphics 4600

500 GB Hard-Drive (nominal)

345 GB free space of 461 GB

RE: CCleaner Free Version v5.01.5075 (64-bit)

Here is the problem:

When using Secure file deletion Simple Overwrite (1 pass), CCleaner hangs-up, i.e. stops proceeding, when it finds the following file:

C:\User\User Name\AppData\Local\HP Support Framework\HPSF_Config1.dll

(NOTE: The words "User Name" above have been substituted for my real name.)

I have waited over 10 minutes while allowing CCleaner to clean that file.

CCleaner never gets past that file.

Cancelling the CCleaner process simply hangs-up the whole computer which no longer will respond to anything, keyboard or cursor.

So, the only way to get the computer up and running again is a "hard shut-down", i.e. pressing the on/off button for 5 seconds and completely shutting-down the computer.

When I restart the computer after waiting at least 1 minute, it goes into command prompt and suggests either restarting normally or restarting in safe-mode.

I get three different results:

1) If I restart the computer normally and redo the CCleaner process with Secure file deletion, the problem reappears.

2) If, after restarting normally, I uncheck Secure file deletion, CCleaner then zips right through and completes the cleaning without any problem.

3) If I restart the computer in Safe-Mode, CCleaner zips right through and completes the cleaning WITHOUT first having to uncheck Secure file deletion.

After further Internet searches, I have learned that HPSF_Config1.dll files are critical to the proper operation of Windows.

So, I am not sure that CCleaner should be attempting to "clean" that file, period.

Note: The above-mentioned hang-up does not always appear.

The last time I noticed it was following a visit to eBay, only; i.e. no other websites were visited after the previous use of CCleaner Secure file deletion.

The hang-up may also appear after visiting Craigslist; I'm not sure.

Can you explain what is going on and how to overcome the issue?

Title fixed. Unable to read thread (too tired, not your fault)

Update: Since my original post shown above, CCleaner has been updated to v5.02.5101 (64-bit)

After the update, CCleaner bogged-down while attempting to clean the following file:

C:\Users\User Name\AppData\Local\Microsoft\Windows\Temporary Internet Files\Content.IE5\P0CLZK6R\ccsetup502.exe

I waited 8 minutes on that single file.

It required a hard-reboot.

Second attempt resulted in the same problem.

After hard-rebooting into Safe-Mode, CCleaner zipped through it's task without problem (in Safe-Mode).

Then, after rebooting normally, CCleaner worked fine, but required two passes to clean everything.

(This happens occasionally and seems normal, especially after a CCleaner update.)

Earlier, I forgot to mention that I am running Bitdefender Total Security antivirus software.

I wonder if there could be a conflict between CCleaner and Bitdefender, although there were no such symptoms before upgrading to CCleaner 5. (CCleaner 4 did not have this bogging-down problem.)

CCleaner still bogs-down/hangs-up/hangs on this file, whenever it is there:

C:\User\User Name\AppData\Local\HP Support Framework\HPSF_Config1.dll

Last time I waited 12 minutes for it to pass; but I finally hard-shut-down the computer.

After rebooting into Safe-Mode, CCleaner again zipped right through, completely cleaning everything.

Is that file really important to clean? Or will adding it to the Exceptions list hurt?

Why is CCleaner bogging-down on it, anyway?

Check the details here and size that you have.

Perhaps just exclude it.

Further Note: I misspelled the file address previously.

The correct spelling is:

C:\Users\User Name\AppData\Local\Temp\HP Support Framework\HPSF_Config1.dll

I have found some information on this online.

Reports say that the above-named file is certified by VeriSign.

Why it causes CCleaner to stall is still a mystery; this continues to happen.

As stated above, the only remedy (once CCleaner stalls) is to do a "hard shut-down" and reboot into Safe-Mode to use CCleaner. I can't imagine that this is very good for the computer, especially done repeatedly.

It seems that CCleaner should clean the file in Secure File Deletion without any problems. I shouldn't have to enter the file name as an exclusion, to prevent CCleaner from stalling.

I should mention again that this is a new problem with CCleaner 5; it never happened in CCleaner 4.

(The above suggested link to provided no useful information.)

Just exclude it.

I've had various problems in the past, but have kept with CCleaner.

I think I've isolated them now.

If Secure File Deletion is checked, CCleaner appears to get in a ****** contest with various system operations and apps that use the C:\users\xyz\local\temp, yada, yada, yada. Other folder trees too, depending. Sporadic.

it puts windows (7, 8.1) in lobotomized mode and a manual power down is the only recourse.

You guys might want to do some analysis on this. It's a definite gotcha.

I'm guessing it's an OS bug. Windows in general doesn't seem to be very forgiving of certain classes of file system errors. It seems to get into deadlock situations far too often for a 'mature' OS.

I've never had the issue described above, sounds more like it's your particular machine setup. That said please start your own thread if you'd like community help with your particular, seperate (has nothing to do with the original) issue.