(The title should read: CCleaner Hangs in Secure File Deletion, but cannot be edited.)
First, here is my computer setup:
HP Z-Book laptop computer (late 2013/2014 model)
17-inch screen
Windows 7, 64-bit, SP1
Intel Core i7-4800MQ CPU @ 2.7GHz
32.0 GB RAM
Intel HD Graphics 4600
500 GB Hard-Drive (nominal)
345 GB free space of 461 GB
RE: CCleaner Free Version v5.01.5075 (64-bit)
Here is the problem:
When using Secure file deletion Simple Overwrite (1 pass), CCleaner hangs-up, i.e. stops proceeding, when it finds the following file:
C:\User\User Name\AppData\Local\HP Support Framework\HPSF_Config1.dll
(NOTE: The words "User Name" above have been substituted for my real name.)
I have waited over 10 minutes while allowing CCleaner to clean that file.
CCleaner never gets past that file.
Cancelling the CCleaner process simply hangs-up the whole computer which no longer will respond to anything, keyboard or cursor.
So, the only way to get the computer up and running again is a "hard shut-down", i.e. pressing the on/off button for 5 seconds and completely shutting-down the computer.
When I restart the computer after waiting at least 1 minute, it goes into command prompt and suggests either restarting normally or restarting in safe-mode.
I get three different results:
1) If I restart the computer normally and redo the CCleaner process with Secure file deletion, the problem reappears.
2) If, after restarting normally, I uncheck Secure file deletion, CCleaner then zips right through and completes the cleaning without any problem.
3) If I restart the computer in Safe-Mode, CCleaner zips right through and completes the cleaning WITHOUT first having to uncheck Secure file deletion.
After further Internet searches, I have learned that HPSF_Config1.dll files are critical to the proper operation of Windows.
So, I am not sure that CCleaner should be attempting to "clean" that file, period.
Note: The above-mentioned hang-up does not always appear.
The last time I noticed it was following a visit to eBay, only; i.e. no other websites were visited after the previous use of CCleaner Secure file deletion.
The hang-up may also appear after visiting Craigslist; I'm not sure.
Can you explain what is going on and how to overcome the issue?