CCleaner Ghost Cookies

There remains a permanent list of cookies in the "Cookies to Delete" list that won't go away no matter how many times the system is cleaned.

CCleaner 4.04.4197

MS Windows 7 Home Premium 32-bit SP1

I just noticed this issue so it could have existed as an issue a while before I noticed it. I use many different browsers and I can't remember which browser I used to access these ghost cookies.


click the ghost cookie in the cookies setting, at the bottom of ccleaner it will say what browser(s) the cookie belongs to

click the ghost cookie in the cookies setting, at the bottom of ccleaner it will say what browser(s) the cookie belongs to

OK Thanks. It says it is opera which is the browser I use consistently. So how come CCleaner isn't cleaning these cookies?


I use my Opera browser to clear all cookies and it removed the ghost cookies. Is this an issue with CCleaner that leaves cookies like this?


2 of our moderators are proficient Opera users, they'll be better at replying to this one, they live one the right-side of the Atlantic (UK) so they may not reply immediately.

Opera user here, although I have very few cookies in that list ever as I use Sandboxie.

So I risked 'life and limb' :lol: and browsed for a while unsandboxed. Looked in list, cookies were there. Cleaned with ccleaner and they were gone.

Are you using the Opera 15 version?

I am on 12.16

Opera user here, although I have very few cookies in that list ever as I use Sandboxie.

So I risked 'life and limb' :lol: and browsed for a while unsandboxed. Looked in list, cookies were there. Cleaned with ccleaner and they were gone.

Are you using the Opera 15 version?

I am on 12.16

I've been thinking about this.... And the ghost cookies could be left over from when I was trying Opera Next.