CCleaner, Game Modding, and the Recent Update

Thought Feedback would be a more appropriate place to post this, as it's not a bug per se. Just a concern I wanted to share.

I've been using CCleaner for years. It's good at what it does and it does it easily and non-intrusively. That being said, the last update led to an unfortunate and somewhat devastating (perspective here people, stay with me) experience. One that isn't even really the fault of the software, but which directly led to spectacular human error.

I mod games. Lots of games. But for the purpose of this post, let's just give one - Skyrim. To the point, textures, meshes, scripts, and resources aside, mods are implemented by way of master and plugin files (.esm and .esp, respectively.) This is the mod "guts" itself. Without them, there are no mods (typically; sometimes texture swaps or quick fixes in a script don't have them, but the vast majority do.) Some mods require use of .dll files, such as script extenders, etc. Once you get a basic grasp on modding, it is not uncommon to have up to 255 mods or so active at any given time (or more if you are clever and can merge the .esp's.)

To the best of my knowledge, CCleaner - the registry cleaner specifically - has always done a great job cleaning up unused extensions and residual files left by programs after uninstalling them. And the software allows you to address each item one by one. But with dozens of actions being performed, it's impractical to do so, and most people mash their clicking finger on the option to address all of them at once. Which is normally good. Something went down behind the scenes of how it works this update though, because it wiped out all the .esm, .esp, and .dlls from their respective folders. And CCleaner never did that before. I didn't change any options, but the results changed from what they usually would be. And that's unfortunate. And I neglected to save a copy before doing it. Which is unfortunate and ironic - the software I use to keep the programs on my computer going smoothly caused the programs on my computer to stop working.

Now, like I said before, it isn’t technically the fault of the software. I should have backed up, and I should have tediously gone through each items one by one like a robot. But I didn’t because I had the expectation that the same maintenance I’ve done for years with the same software would likely yield similar results. It didn’t. So I wanted to share this with you in the hopes someone tweaked something in the update to be a little too overzealous in scanning and removing .esm, .esp, and .dll files. Hopefully this will prevent another avoidable Murphy’s Law situation by someone else.

what was the folder path for these .esm, .esp and .dll files?

in fact can you give an actual example of the filename of one of these .dll files that CC deleted?

have you extended the way CC cleans by using winapp2.ini or any other enhancements, or via the use of INCLUDEs? can give you a basic idea of some of the files affected. The folder path was to the effect of C:\Program Files (x86)\Mod Organizer\mods\[name of mod]\[name of .esm, .esp, and/or .dll] Some had variations like [name of mod]\skse\[dll file] SKSE is a script extender, hence the .dll's.

I've done nothing different from how I've run CCleaner in the past. In other words, basic functions like cleaning temporary file caches, browser histories, etc. With Registry Cleaner, I've always just ran it, fixed what it said, and that's the end of it. So that is why I can only deduce something must have been tweaked from the software side of things.

With Registry Cleaner, I've always just ran it, fixed what it said, and that's the end of it. So that is why I can only deduce something must have been tweaked from the software side of things.
No what happened, if this was caused by the registry part was you encountered what anthropologists call the "I never been bit by a tiger so tigers aren't dangerous" effect. Read my signature for more on that, but I don't think registry cleaner is at fault. Please boil down the issue to essintial details.The details need to include Windows VersionThe version number of CCleanerWhether you have either a winapp2 file or other enhancing software (without mentioning enhancer by name please so a simple yes or no will suffice)

If you're doing important work that you don't want CCleaner having any possibility to mess with you could input exclusions. Making periodic full backups with a good disk imaging software would help too.

The reason we ask about winapp2 or enhancing product is because unlike ccleaner by it self which contains no reference to your location, The use as a template winapp2 file contains this entry



DetectFile=%Documents%\My Games\Skyrim\SKSE


FileKey1=%Documents%\My Games\Skyrim\SKSE|*.log

Which is the only place that folder is mentioned in any of ccleaner's rules

No what happened, if this was caused by the registry part was you encountered what anthropologists call the "I never been bit by a tiger so tigers aren't dangerous" effect. Read my signature for more on that, but I don't think registry cleaner is at fault. Please boil down the issue to essintial details. The details need to include Windows Version The version number of CCleaner Whether you have either a winapp2 file or other enhancing software (without mentioning enhancer by name please so a simple yes or no will suffice)

Windows 8.1 Pro 64-bit
CCleaner v5.01.5075 (64-bit) ; I know there's been another update, but this was the precise version at the time this occurred.
No enhancing software, only the default CCleaner.
SKSE itself is an .exe that is used in place of the default game launcher in order to extend the functions of the game's python scripting. It is located in the root folder of the game itself. The above referenced template references an SKSE folder for the purpose of debugging / logs - only text documents. So any .dll files associated with SKSE are located in a folder like C:\Program Files (x86)\Steam\steamapps\common\Skyrim\Data\SKSE or C:\Program Files (x86)\Mod Organizer\mods\skse\SKSE\

Honestly I'm mostly at fault for not going through each item one by one by one ad infinitum or remembering to save a backup. Your signature is spot on. But with respect to the metaphor you used, while true it is also like "Every day I work with the same tiger. The tiger's always been friendly, and I've come to think it's one of the best tigers I've seen. After years of interacting with the tiger, I stopped wearing the giant padded protective suit and carrying a tranquilizer gun with me every time I saw it. Then one day, the tiger's keepers changed its medication and when I went to see it, it ate my face. My fault for not wearing the suit or having the tranq gun."

Okay. I'm bad at metaphors. Point is, this is why I was just trying to leave feedback / suggestion / notification. I know it was ultimately my error. But I was trying to relate how the error came to be. Let me know if you need any more details - I don't want to overshare info you don't need, but am happy to provide relevant info if you do.