[17:25:59::528][iNFO ] Windows 7 64-bit SP1
[17:25:59::528][iNFO ] Intel Core i7-4790K CPU @ 4.00GHz
[17:25:59::528][iNFO ] 16,0GB RAM
[17:25:59::528][iNFO ] NVIDIA GeForce GTX 970
[17:25:59::528][iNFO ] Username: —
[17:25:59::528][iNFO ] Application Started
[17:25:59::606][ERROR] Error updating CCleaner - 0x2f83: L’ordinateur est déconnecté du réseau
[17:26:01::119][DEBUG] Uninstall - Starting items enumeration…
[17:26:01::119][DEBUG] Uninstall - OnItem | CCleaner | Piriform
[17:26:01::134][DEBUG] Uninstall - OnItem | Defraggler | Piriform
[17:26:01::134][DEBUG] Uninstall - OnItem | Intel® Management Engine Components | Intel Corporation
[17:26:01::134][DEBUG] Uninstall - OnItem | Intel® Rapid Storage Technology | Intel Corporation
[17:26:01::134][DEBUG] Uninstall - OnItem | Intel® USB 3.0 eXtensible Host Controller Driver | Intel Corporation
[17:26:01::134][DEBUG] Uninstall - OnItem | Microsoft .NET Framework 4.5.1 (Français) | Microsoft Corporation
[17:26:01::134][DEBUG] Uninstall - OnItem | Microsoft .NET Framework 4.5.1 | Microsoft Corporation
[17:26:01::134][DEBUG] Uninstall - OnItem | Microsoft Visual C++ 2008 Redistributable - x64 9.0.30729.6161 | Microsoft Corporation
[17:26:01::134][DEBUG] Uninstall - OnItem | Microsoft Visual C++ 2008 Redistributable - x86 9.0.30729.6161 | Microsoft Corporation
[17:26:01::134][DEBUG] Uninstall - OnItem | Microsoft Visual C++ 2010 x64 Redistributable - 10.0.40219 | Microsoft Corporation
[17:26:01::134][DEBUG] Uninstall - OnItem | Microsoft Visual C++ 2010 x86 Redistributable - 10.0.40219 | Microsoft Corporation
[17:26:01::134][DEBUG] Uninstall - OnItem | NVIDIA Pilote audio HD : | NVIDIA Corporation
[17:26:01::134][DEBUG] Uninstall - OnItem | NVIDIA Pilote graphique 347.09 | NVIDIA Corporation
[17:26:01::134][DEBUG] Uninstall - OnItem | Realtek High Definition Audio Driver | Realtek Semiconductor Corp.
[17:26:01::134][DEBUG] Uninstall - OnItem | SumatraPDF | Krzysztof Kowalczyk
[17:26:01::134][DEBUG] Uninstall - Extracting icons…
[17:26:01::150][DEBUG] Uninstall - Discovering installation date…
[17:26:01::181][DEBUG] Uninstall - Finished item enumeration
[17:26:03::474][DEBUG] Drives - Starting…
[17:26:03::490][DEBUG] Uninstall - Requesting to stop items enumeration…
[17:26:03::490][DEBUG] Uninstall - Items Enumeration stopped
[17:31:18::064][iNFO ] Closing application…
[17:31:18::080][DEBUG] Drives - Requesting to stop…
[17:31:18::080][DEBUG] Drives - stopped
[17:31:18::080][iNFO ] Finished closing application
[17:31:18::080][iNFO ] Application Ended