CCleaner Freeze (event 129)


Sometimes my ccleaner freeze and after 3 or 4 minutes, it's ok..

I have always this event when ccleaner freeze : Event ID 129 Reset to device, \Device\RaidPort0, was issued

Windows 7 pro x64 FRENCH full updated.

All drivers are updated.

CCleaner last version (french).

I have only ccleaner, deffraggler, and sumatraPDF installed.

I doubt that running CCleaner is causing that event error.

Have you had a read here?

It has always amazed me why the power settings default to Balanced rather than High for desktop PC's.

Even on laptops, where a small battery gain may be important, any such gain is negated by everything running that little bit slower when not on High Performance.

It's one of the very first settings that gets changed when I sit in front of any PC.

Hopefully it will help @Miel78 and good find @hazelnut

Have you had a read here?


Yes, I tried this solution but the problem is still present..

I will try CCleaner /debug

Thank you for your reply.


It's the previous version, but the bug is present in the last version too.

First :



[17:17:12::449][iNFO ] CCleaner v5.00.5050 (64-bit)

[17:17:12::449][iNFO ] Windows 7 64-bit SP1

[17:17:12::449][iNFO ] Intel Core i7-4790K CPU @ 4.00GHz

[17:17:12::449][iNFO ] 16,0GB RAM

[17:17:12::449][iNFO ] NVIDIA GeForce GTX 970

[17:17:12::449][iNFO ] Username: —

[17:17:12::449][iNFO ] Application Started

[17:17:12::512][ERROR] Error updating CCleaner - 0x2f83: L’ordinateur est déconnecté du réseau

[17:17:21::154][DEBUG] Cookies - Starting items enumeration…

[17:17:30::358][DEBUG] Drives - Starting…

[17:17:30::358][DEBUG] Cookies - Requesting to stop items enumeration…

[17:17:30::358][DEBUG] Cookies - Items Enumeration stopped

[17:17:45::194][DEBUG] Drives - Requesting to stop…

[17:21:50::379][DEBUG] Drives - stopped

[17:21:50::473][DEBUG] Drives - Starting…

[17:23:07::022][iNFO ] Closing application…

[17:23:07::038][DEBUG] Drives - Requesting to stop…

[17:23:07::038][DEBUG] Drives - stopped

[17:23:07::038][iNFO ] Finished closing application

[17:23:07::038][iNFO ] Application Ended

Second :



[17:25:59::528][iNFO ] Windows 7 64-bit SP1

[17:25:59::528][iNFO ] Intel Core i7-4790K CPU @ 4.00GHz

[17:25:59::528][iNFO ] 16,0GB RAM

[17:25:59::528][iNFO ] NVIDIA GeForce GTX 970

[17:25:59::528][iNFO ] Username: —

[17:25:59::528][iNFO ] Application Started

[17:25:59::606][ERROR] Error updating CCleaner - 0x2f83: L’ordinateur est déconnecté du réseau

[17:26:01::119][DEBUG] Uninstall - Starting items enumeration…

[17:26:01::119][DEBUG] Uninstall - OnItem | CCleaner | Piriform

[17:26:01::134][DEBUG] Uninstall - OnItem | Defraggler | Piriform

[17:26:01::134][DEBUG] Uninstall - OnItem | Intel® Management Engine Components | Intel Corporation

[17:26:01::134][DEBUG] Uninstall - OnItem | Intel® Rapid Storage Technology | Intel Corporation

[17:26:01::134][DEBUG] Uninstall - OnItem | Intel® USB 3.0 eXtensible Host Controller Driver | Intel Corporation

[17:26:01::134][DEBUG] Uninstall - OnItem | Microsoft .NET Framework 4.5.1 (Français) | Microsoft Corporation

[17:26:01::134][DEBUG] Uninstall - OnItem | Microsoft .NET Framework 4.5.1 | Microsoft Corporation

[17:26:01::134][DEBUG] Uninstall - OnItem | Microsoft Visual C++ 2008 Redistributable - x64 9.0.30729.6161 | Microsoft Corporation

[17:26:01::134][DEBUG] Uninstall - OnItem | Microsoft Visual C++ 2008 Redistributable - x86 9.0.30729.6161 | Microsoft Corporation

[17:26:01::134][DEBUG] Uninstall - OnItem | Microsoft Visual C++ 2010 x64 Redistributable - 10.0.40219 | Microsoft Corporation

[17:26:01::134][DEBUG] Uninstall - OnItem | Microsoft Visual C++ 2010 x86 Redistributable - 10.0.40219 | Microsoft Corporation

[17:26:01::134][DEBUG] Uninstall - OnItem | NVIDIA Pilote audio HD : | NVIDIA Corporation

[17:26:01::134][DEBUG] Uninstall - OnItem | NVIDIA Pilote graphique 347.09 | NVIDIA Corporation

[17:26:01::134][DEBUG] Uninstall - OnItem | Realtek High Definition Audio Driver | Realtek Semiconductor Corp.

[17:26:01::134][DEBUG] Uninstall - OnItem | SumatraPDF | Krzysztof Kowalczyk

[17:26:01::134][DEBUG] Uninstall - Extracting icons…

[17:26:01::150][DEBUG] Uninstall - Discovering installation date…

[17:26:01::181][DEBUG] Uninstall - Finished item enumeration

[17:26:03::474][DEBUG] Drives - Starting…

[17:26:03::490][DEBUG] Uninstall - Requesting to stop items enumeration…

[17:26:03::490][DEBUG] Uninstall - Items Enumeration stopped

[17:31:18::064][iNFO ] Closing application…

[17:31:18::080][DEBUG] Drives - Requesting to stop…

[17:31:18::080][DEBUG] Drives - stopped

[17:31:18::080][iNFO ] Finished closing application

[17:31:18::080][iNFO ] Application Ended

Problem with Drives...
