CCleaner Free and Professional, what is the difference?

Can I please find out where on this website it details the difference between the CCleaner Free Edition and the Profesional Edition?

Or for that matter the difference between Defraggler Free Edition and its Professional Edition? It would be nice to know what you actually get for the $24.95 for each profesional edition. There is a product matrix in the Business Section, how about one in the Home Edition as well detailing the difference between them?

A little transparency would not go astray. I see mention of one difference in the latest Release Notes of CCleaner.

What about the other differences?

Thank you in advance.

When you pay for the Professional addition, you pay for a service contract between you and piriform. The differences between the programs are few, and include automatic updates (pro) and system monitoring (pro)

On the download page there is a sort of difference but it reads more like an ad rather than actual features.

It talks of "Make your Home PC faster and more secure" How does it make it more secure? Are they talking of cleaning cookies or something more substantial?

Because the Free Edition does that.

They are referring to the privacy cleaning primarily. The cleaning features between fre and pro to my knowledge are the same.

The professional edition is primarily for support directly from Piriform.

Thanks for your quick and honest responses. I will stick to the free edition then.

Current Differences (Winapp will you update the FAQ post you made)

1) Paid Support

2) Ability to Clean multiple profiles, or with the correct permissions Profiles that are not ones own on a single machine.

3) Monitoring Capabilities: Background operation1 which will clean browser and/or system clean at regular intervals/when a browser is closed.

1I am unsure if it is a background operation or a task as I've yet to test this new (as of Ccleaner 4.x) feature

Current Differences (Winapp will you update the FAQ post you made)

1) Paid Support

2) Ability to Clean multiple profiles, or with the correct permissions Profiles that are not ones own on a single machine.

3) Monitoring Capabilities: Background operation1 which will clean browser and/or system clean at regular intervals/when a browser is closed.

1I am unsure if it is a background operation or a task as I've yet to test this new (as of Ccleaner 4.x) feature

I think they need a better explanation on the pro page about this. I've often seen the make your computer more secure but no explanation on how.

(Winapp will you update the FAQ post you made)

Yes, if you'll unlock it :)

go for it :)

After many years of using the free version I thought I would pay for the pro version. While I understand the differences are few between the versionsI thought that I'd show my appreciation for such good software. However, it's not clear to me whether or not the fee for the pro version is yearly or a single one time lifetime payment.

Would someone be so kind as to clarify if the pro fee is yearly or not.

Not an official answer but as far as I know pro features don't cease after a year; only paid priority support does.

The licence states that support is for one year ( and includes ' Should this agreement terminate for any reason you must immediately cease all further use of the Product and destroy all copies of it.'.

ok, then there's an official (as of post date) answer.

Just the fact you no longer have to deal with updates or downloading new versions or even running the program is good enough for me plus i'v had it sense it first came out for free so it was time to pay so maybe other can still get it for free...