I have an old Dell GX620 with 32-bit Windows 10 Pro installed and supported by System Images on an external HDD. I am not at the mercy of Windows 10 system restore.
The current CCleaner v 601.01.9825 doesn't display Restore Points (located in Tools menu) when running the recent 32-bit Windows 10 Pro build version 19044.2130 but CCleaner v 601.01.9825 does run and display Restore Points on the 64-bit Dell desktop computers with that build number. Only 32-bit is failing.
CCleaner v 601.01.9825 does run and display Restore Points when running on an earlier 32-bit Windows 10 Pro build 19042.685 installed from a system image ( clean installation with updates and no other programs), held on an external HDD.
It appears that the current Windows 10 Pro release 19044.2130 in 32-bit format has a bug impacting on CCleaner.
This needs confirmation. This is an old bug from way-back-when.
I'm not sure where to post this but it's the only way I could get past the bugs!
There is a huge problem with this latest update! Twice I've downloaded the latest update for Ccleanter and twice I've had to do a system restore in order to roll my computer back to before the update so I could connect to the Internet using Firefox or Chrome! Since my laptop worked fine before the update the first time I didn't at first think the problem was created by Ccleaner. Then after the second update I couldn't connect to the Internet. At this point I did a system restore to before the update and then I could connect. At that point I updated CCleaner and again I couldn't connect to the Internet again. At this point I uninstalled Ccleaner and then had to do another system restore in order to connect to the Internet. At this point I have no plans of reinstalling Ccleaner.
Machine running a 32-bit O.S. Windows 10 Pro fully updated and with "current" (601) CCleaner Update > Restore Points not displaying.
Old installation of 32-bit Windows 10 Pro (about a year past) with its updates (re-installed from a system image stored on ExtHDD) and tested with "current" (601) CCleaner > Restore Points displaying.
Fault is only on the 32-bit system. The 64-bit works OK. I am aware that (604) version is currently the most recent but (601) is near enough.
I suggest: it looks like it may not be a CCleaner fault - I have to say that it looks like a faulty Windows Update, either locally on my machine or possible network wide.
That needs to be confirmed.
Hello Hazelnut, I believe you were replying to MJA who experiences Internet issues but just in case...
I have Ccleaner free on my machines.
I updated from the internet.
I didn't lose connection to the Internet - restore points are not displaying on the 32-bit system but they do display on the 64-bit system.
My O.S. is Windows 10 Pro.
I have 32-bit and 64-bit to play with but the 64-bit system is my regular go-to.
Anti-virus is Kaspersky - no issues.
Hazelnut - The restore points issue looks like a faulty Windows Update. I'm waiting for Patch Tuesday. Microsoft went through a stage when missing restore points and RPC Server failure were commonplace so no surprise.
It could well be Windows Update that removed/is removing the restore points.
It will always remove restore points now if it's a change to the Windows version, eg. 21H1 to 21H2.
It may also remove them during 'lessser' Windows updates, Patch Tuesday, etc.
That's because some Windows users would attempt to use a restore point to 'roll back' following a Windows update.
In some cases that couldn't work because Windows had changed too much during the update, and trying to do it could mess things up irretrivably meaning Windows then had to be fully reinstalled from scratch.
So to prevent it even being tried MS simply remove previous restore points during some Windows updates now.
I'm not sure if they only remove incompatible RPs, or just clear the lot which would be easier to do.
(If you do want to roll back from an update then you have to do it by uninstalling the update through Windows Update>Update History).