CCleaner for Mac Released


Following up on our previous announcement. We're pleased to announce that CCleaner for Mac has been released as a public beta version. We're working on more features and anticipate new releases every few weeks, with a final version out in a month or two.

As this is a beta version, we recommend it for advanced users only.OS support covers Mac OSX 10.5 and 10.6, along with all current versions of Firefox and Safari.

You can download now from

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A bit early yet to ask, I know, but will the Mac version have support for something akin to winapp2.ini so users can make their own entries for their macs too? Anyway, this is great news, I will point all of the mac users I know to this when it comes out :) (and the advanced ones to it now)

I have been waiting so long for this! I have already suggested CCleaner to all my Mac buddies. I would love to see some support for secure deletion, making custom entries, as WinApp2.ini suggested, as well as support for more software, such as Chrome, Opera, and Steam. I am sure all this is in the works as i type this. Piriform makes very stable, fast, and reliable software. I am glad to see them applying their talents to the Mac platform

Keep up the good work guys :)

There have been 4 principle Piriform products and each has its own Product "Discussion" forum with extra forums for BUGS and SUGGESTIONS.

I suggest we need a fifth product "Discussion" for MacCleaner with related sub-forums.

It is common for a topic thread to be started without specifying the operating system,

and it will be especially confusing if we assume Windows when the topic relates to Apple.

Please add the features of AppZapper to CCleaner for Mac.