Please provide a direct download link of CCleaner for Android from the official website,
Google is banned in my country.
No Google play pre-built in any android phone.
neither amazon app store.
Please provide a direct download link of CCleaner for Android from the official website,
Google is banned in my country.
No Google play pre-built in any android phone.
neither amazon app store.
Yes, please. I agree. Would it be possible to have a direct apk file download directly from you so we can get it safely please? I also do not have access to Google or Amazon with this particular device.
A direct apk download link would be greatly appreciated and enhance users security.
thumps up
There are safe methods of getting non-paid apps for those who don't have google play (whether by choice or country restriction)
While, I won't name the site, it is well regarded by many developers on XDA and checks by hand that the version they have is cryptographically signed the same as the playstore version. Think of it as a Mirror download site for APKs.
I have been to sites like those of which you speak, but I don't know if you've ever tried it but the update fails. My guess is that CCleaner does not allow itself to be updated by unknown updates. Probably a security thing. It did not work for me.