CCleaner for Android causing many problems for me

Hello, I downloaded CCleaner for Android about a month ago - have had good results using it on my desktop. I am using a Samsung Galaxy SII (T-989, T-Mobile version)

However since I have downloaded this app I am having several problems with my phone - namely, I cannot download any new apps or update apps from the Play Store because my phone is telling me that I have no space left, when I have plenty of space left. What's worse, I cannot uninstall any apps anymore - it just keeps reading "uninstall" while the little white circle spins forever. Also I cannot use the CCleaner app anymore - get the same spinning white circle. Same thing when I try to uninstall the app itself.

Any suggestions short of a hard reset?

Thanks in advance!

Where did you download CCleaner from? CCleaner version? OS version?

I've no problems with CCleaner+SGS2.

if you can boot into recovery, try wiping the /cache/ partition (do not wipe anything else).