CCleaner feature missing

After I Analyze the entries (most of which are cookies) I don't see the Scan For Issues button nor the backup option. Are these features not available in the free version? Also, it looks like some of the files that are listed for deletion are pictures that were downloaded from the Internet. I don't want to delete these. Any Ideas.


Dave, welcome to the forum. There is no Non-Free Version. Backup is only available for the Registry Section as the Cleaner Section only removes The Crap left behind from programs. The same holds for the Scan for issues button (it's only in the Registry section). In the cleaner section you should see an analyse button and a clean button.

Are you sure that it's trying to delete the actual picture files you downloaded and not the links in the "recent" folder

By this I mean

C:\Users\XXXX\AppData\Roaming\Microsoft\Office\Recent\December 08.xls.LNK

this is not deleting the December 08.xls it is only removing the shortcut file in my recent folder (the "LNK" is the clue)

You can save the cookies you want to keep, by going to Options Cookies and moving the ones you want to the right hand pane. Most cookies are useless tracking cookies sending (anonymously) the likes of Google and your browsing habits so they can "better" target their Adverts.

You can Exclude specific things (like your YouTube Preferences) using the Include/Exclude section of the Options

e.g: putting "C:\Users\XXXX\AppData\Roaming\Macromedia\Flash Player\#SharedObjects\P5AK3G5U\\SoundData.sol" into the Exclude will make sure that your sound volume on youtube will always remain pumped to the max after running CCleaner

Hi Nerqal

Thanks for the info. I think this will help alot and the problems appear to be solved.
