If I use my desktop shortcut or even if I go to Program Files and open it from there, CCleaner takes at least 3 minutes, and sometimes more, to open up so that I can do a scan. I have tried uninstalling and reinstalling with the latest version but the problem still exists. My husband has CCleaner on his PC and it opens instantly when he clicks on it.
Does anyone have a cure for my problem? I am using Windows XP on a Toshiba Satellite Pro laptop. I've used CCleaner with XP on a PC without any trouble, so I'm guessing the problem is something to do with my laptop but no other programs are slow to start, so why CCleaner? Are there any programs that CCleaner is known to conflict with, eg Spybot S&D (the TeaTimer perhaps?) or AVG?
Before I start experimenting and changing things, I'd like to know if anyone else has had this problem and how they solved it.
I have also tried opening CCleaner with the Spybot S&D TeaTimer disabled but that doesn't change anything.
I have moved CC to another directory (and deleted the desktop shortcut) - still the same time delay.
Task Manager shows no other applications or processes working while I am waitng for CC to open. It does show a huge CPU peak from CCleaner itself, but that's it.
I'm stumped. I would love to know what is causing the delay. All I can think of is firewall, AV program or something like that, but if that is the case then why aren't other people having this same problem?
One thing I forgot to add, which may be a clue..... if I close CCleaner and then immediately open it again, it opens straight away. So is it a memory-related problem?
What I have done is move the entire folder of CCleaner files to my desktop and CCleaner opens up instantly from there, so I guess I'll stick with that. I have the full version but didn't install the Yahoo toolbar.
Thanks for your replies. It's nice to know that people are willing to help
i too have this same problem - i have used ccleaner for a couple of years without any delay load problem, then about a month or so ago i started having the exact same delay load problem - i am using the most recent version (2.29.1111) but also tried going back to several much earlier versions to no avail - i also tried installing uninstalling and then installing the slim and then the portable versions, as well as running in safe mode, but it is also exactly as she describes - no speed up in loading
i even tried her purported solution, to load ccleaner (the portable version) to the desktop, but that also doesn't help for me
testing these takes awhile, because as she says, after an initial launch wait (of up to 15 minutes for me - and seems like it is getting longer), on close and then relaunch, it loads as fast as it used to
and checking the task manager when it is waiting to load up, shows the ccleaner process running, but not taking much by way of any noticeable resources (cpu/memory)
i do "hear" ccleaner rumbling around my hard drives after it is launched (but not yet loaded/displayed) - i do have (and have had for a couple years) several external usb drives - i will next test with those disconnected, but i have to wait until tomorrow now to do so
i will also run process explorer when it is in the delayed loading state, to see if i see anything going on
also, nothing shows up in the event viewer (no errors or events)
i am running xp, sp2 with updates as of probably 4 months ago - there was no update anywhere near prior to ccleaner's sluggish loading to possibly account for the change
too bad, a nifty little utility - but can't really complain since its free - just trying to find a solution
My solution of moving CC to a desktop folder only worked once (which was the same effect as closing CC and then reopening it) and is now back to its usual time delay.
Because it starts up quickly immediately after it's been opened and closed, I still think it's something memory-related to do with loading the program.
My solution of moving CC to a desktop folder only worked once (which was the same effect as closing CC and then reopening it) and is now back to its usual time delay.
Because it starts up quickly immediately after it's been opened and closed, I still think it's something memory-related to do with loading the program.
Maybe CCleaner needs a cleaner for itself
Hi Jiriji
I figured out what the problem is (for me anyway) - i had installed a firefox add-on called slogger, which can keep a copy of complete webpages that i visit for later offline retrieval
i had installed it into firefox a month ago but never actually set it up - it apparently defaulted on install to save a copy of every page i visited, in highly nested folders in my firefox profile folder - even though those pages didn't slow down firefox (since those pages aren't loaded by FF), ccleaner on first bootup apparently went into that directory and logged each file - and even though the total size of all the files was relatively small (56MB), because there were tens of thousands of small files (and getting bigger each day), ccleaner took a painfully long time to load
so, i first used ccleaner's exclude function to stop it from accessing the slogger directory- this by itself should solve the load delay problem
but then i further deleted all the past saved folders (which took over 30 mins for xp to delete them all!) - i then i set slogger up to only save a webpage if i manually direct it to
if you don't hear back from me here, then that was my problem and solution - if you don't happen to have slogger, i suspect it still could be something similar with your firefox - maybe check if you have installed any new addons and poke around there with settings etc
ccleaner is definitely going through (and apparently indexing) all the files in the program directories that it is assigned (by you) to clean, on load up - so if you have some many files somewhere in a directory that ccleaner is set to clean, even if it won't actually clean those files (for instance, somewhere in your firefox profile directory), then that may well be your problem
Thanks for taking the time to post back with this info.
Stay happy
my pleasure
i confirmed by testing that what i previously described was in fact the cause of the painfully long load up time for ccleaner, and that is now solved
but it does point out a potential development "refinement" for future versions of ccleaner:
rather than having ccleaner log every file in every folder in an assigned program's directory, prior to start up, perhaps a more "intelligent" ccleaner logging/indexing can occur, such that files that ccleaner would NOT clean (like the slogger xml files) be pre-emptively excluded/ignored from ccleaner load-up indexing/logging?
and thanks for continuing to make a great program better!
i confirmed by testing that what i previously described was in fact the cause of the painfully long load up time for ccleaner, and that is now solved
but it does point out a potential development "refinement" for future versions of ccleaner:
rather than having ccleaner log every file in every folder in an assigned program's directory, prior to start up, perhaps a more "intelligent" ccleaner logging/indexing can occur, such that files that ccleaner would NOT clean (like the slogger xml files) be pre-emptively excluded/ignored from ccleaner load-up indexing/logging?
and thanks for continuing to make a great program better!
Thanks for all the info.... I am going to try excluding Firefox from CCleaner and see if I get the same results as you. I don't have Slogger but I do have other Firefox add-ons which perhaps function in a similar way. Obviously I don't want to exclude Firefox from CCleaner completely (there would be no point running CCleaner at all in that case) but I think your suggestion of CC excluding certain files when it loads is a good one. Let's hope someone picks up on the idea.
Thanks for all the info.... I am going to try excluding Firefox from CCleaner and see if I get the same results as you. I don't have Slogger but I do have other Firefox add-ons which perhaps function in a similar way. Obviously I don't want to exclude Firefox from CCleaner completely (there would be no point running CCleaner at all in that case) but I think your suggestion of CC excluding certain files when it loads is a good one. Let's hope someone picks up on the idea.
my pleasure - and you don't need to permanently exclude firefox jiriji
maybe check in your FF profile folder (location described here: http://support.mozilla.com/en-us/kb/Profil...profile_stored_ ) for any folders nested within it that have MANY (ie., thousands +) files - then that plugin directory can be selectively excluded in ccleaner - thats what i did - i excluded the following specific directory from ccleaner that had way too many of the ccleaner index clogging files (your folder structures will differ):
C:\Documents and Settings\eb\Application Data\Mozilla\Firefox\Profiles\jaf08uv6.default\slogger\
and if there is nothing like that anywhere in your firefox directory, then imo there will likely be something somewhere with too many files in another of the program folders that you have set up ccleaner to clean - you probably just need to determine which one has a LOT of files, and see if in fact (as i suspect) that is the one that is causing the very long indexing time
btw, an excellent free tool for checking on windows files and folders is treesize
I'm also having a slow loading problem with CC. I've used it for years and the problem came up a couple of months ago. I loaded the new version v305.1409 today but same problem. CC always loads immediately but the "run" and "analyze" buttons won't light for about a minute and a half. It looks like the program might be fragmented but defrag doesn't help.
Also slow loading several minutes. It's not consistent, though. Another symptom is that I get a "busy" symbol when I mouseover the section of the program that lists Windows and Applications. v3.05.1409.
While it's great that you seem to have used the search function before posting, your issue should really be opened in a new thread.
I chose to post on this thread because the poster just prior to me had an identical issue and program version within a couple of weeks which had not yet been satisfactorily resolved.
Are you using the winapp2.ini file (as cookie asked?) If so, it adds a bit to the loading speed of the program, since it is rather large, and this can be very noticeable on slower machines.