CCleaner.exe, NEVER installed this?

Hello community

I'm facing weird problem. Lately I've noticed that there is CCleaner.exe process running on my PC.

I've NEVER installed CCleaner.

The process leads to localization C:\Users\xx\AppData\Local\CCleaner\Bin

Also I've checked if it connects somewhere (attachment)

Malwarebytes and eset scanned didnt show anything

Anyone has idea whats going on?

Are you using Windows 8?

Also see this thread here

I'm using Windows 7, just checked program files and there is CCleaner, just exe file

So, according to this link in topic u posted:


it may be trojan? Is it safe to download this "fix" and run it?

I'm 100% sure that I've never installed CCleaner, so its suspicious. Any of CCleaner users could check if process connects to any ip?

Task Manager-> Performance -> Performance monitor -> Network


I've found out now that it was installed in may. I've compared it with my history and it seems it was installed together with flashgot update. Is it possible?

I suggest before you do anything else you get your system checked out.

See here