Ccleaner Error Message

Hi, I've use this product many times and just hit my 1st snag. When trying to delete office 2007 enterprise I keep getting this error report'

Setup Error

The Language of this installation is not supported by your system

Any ideas?


Hi, I've use this product many times and just hit my 1st snag. When trying to delete office 2007 enterprise I keep getting this error report'

Setup Error

The Language of this installation is not supported by your system

Any ideas?


are you saying you are uninstallaing it from tools -uninstall

Yes, I've tried it through ccleaner tools like I usually do and have also tried uninstalling via my vista control panel "programs & features" with the same result.

are you saying you are uninstallaing it from tools -uninstall

Uninstalling Office 2007 can be tricky at times - see

on another note, ccleaner has nought to do with an uninstalation