CCleaner erased data recovery

help, I did a padanada!

I washed my PC with CCleaner v1.30.310 (default sets, except some alleged usefull cookie saved).

I found erased a lot of important data (.RTF files; Outlook Express sent email folder, not other folders; many, not all, .jpg files; many saved with name webpages; many .pdf files) . (A small amount of backup previously done). Can I recovery those data and how?

I tried with the software PC Inspector File Recovery v.4.0, with not so thrilling in results.

I have not a second harddisk; I didn't succeed using a CDRW (software Easy CD Creator 5 Basic); some pietifull result obtained with the floppy disk (for instance, of a .RTF file, I recuped only frames, not the content). I sought a blessing for me too.

Many thanks

Hello pappaciccia and welcome,

Did you have any files saved as .temp files?

Were your jpeg files in my documents/my pictures?

Did you do an issues scan and save the backup?

Is your computer running ok?

Hello pappaciccia and welcome,

Did you have any files saved as .temp files?

Were your jpeg files in my documents/my pictures?

Did you do an issues scan and save the backup?

Is your computer running ok?

Many thanks hazelnut,

my computer appears to me to run perfectly (at least for now, some five days after the cleansing, I did not perceived any problem at all, of course except the erased data).

Yes, my jpeg files were in my documents/my pictures.

ehm, I am a beginner: what is an issues scan? and how to do it?

About saved as .temp files, I run the function "search" of WindowsXP, for files with .temp in the name (in C:\): it gave me back 5 files, no one .temp (.template, .templdir).

Here is a guide to using ccleaner. You will be able to read about an issues scan here.

Are you using XP?

I think if some of your files have been deleted, it will be VERY difficult, if not impossible to get them back now.

Usually ccleaner is very safe to use, you may have just been unlucky :(

:) Don't worry it too much, you can get your files back even it has been deleted and it is not expensive now for there are so many good data recovery software, such as: Data Recovery WizardBut hope you are lucky that don't lose your data.

If you made a backup to a different medium, e.g.; CD-RW you can use that to restore your files.

If you use CCleaner again make sure you're only using the default settings by not using anything under Advanced and make sure you click the Analyze button first. If after analyzing it shows more of your files in My Documents as "junk" then there's either a problem on your system with the system variables or something else, or a problem with CCleaner.

Don't worry it too much, you can get your files back even it has been deleted

Some files yes and probably, however all files is unlikely. Whatsmore if someone doesn't try to recover the files rather soon and allows it to go on for many days the probability of recovery is even less because Windows will occupy that empty disk space with some other file, and if defrag is used the problem only gets worse.

Hi pappaciccia,

Have you able to recover your data. tell me which utility which you have used.

If you are still stuck in the probelm then I would suggest you to use Stellar Phoenix FAT & NTFS - Data recovery software is file & partition recovery utility that helps you in recovering your all important data lost after accidental format, virus problems, software malfunction, file/directory deletion, or even a sabotage!.

you can download the demo from through demo version you will be able to see the recovered data.

Hope this is going to help you in recovering your lost files.

Best of luck.

you can download the demo from through demo version you will be able to see the recovered data.

Welcome to the CCleaner forums, and excuse me if my next sentence seems rude!

What the hell good is it to recommend a demo product, that will only show what's recoverable and not recover it? This is a two month old issue that even the thread author hasn't replied to for some time. There's a few freeware alternatives about such as Avira UnErase that don't cost one cent, and most importantly work from the get go.

Welcome to the CCleaner forums, and excuse me if my next sentence seems rude!

What the hell good is it to recommend a demo product, that will only show what's recoverable and not recover it? This is a two month old issue that even the thread author hasn't replied to for some time. There's a few freeware alternatives about such as Avira UnErase that don't cost one cent, and most importantly work from the get go.

Nothing piss me off as much as demo products, that will only show what's recoverable and not recover it.