Question: how come that CCleaner eliminates much less data volume than was in paper basket which I did empty just before I started CCleaner ?
Hi Sapsan, and welcome to the forum.
I'm not really sure what you mean exactly, but if I do read you correctly there isn't an answer to that one.
Which type of files did you have in the Recycle Bin?
What have you been doing on your PC or online to generate temporary files?
What settings do you have in the various CCleaner sections, and how often do you run it?
Which browser or browsers do you use, and how do you have them set up to handle temp files and cookies.
There are so many variables involved there just isn't an answer.
If you want to be more specific, which means letting us have a lot more information including your Operating System, then it may be possible to come up with something more positive.
Hope that helps.
Hi DennisD,
thx for yr comment. I'll try to be a bit more specific.
Operating system: Win 7 - 64 bit
Browser: Firefox 4, cookies are allowed
Type of files in the recycle bin: it varies, can be docs, photos, videos etc.
CCleaner has the standard, pre-installed settings; I run it normally once a week.
I repeat my "problem":
I empty the recycle bin (in german its called paper bin). Whatever the contents is, it has a
volume of let's say 100 MB. I run CCleaner immediately afterwards and it shows e.g. 20 MB
recycled (eliminated or whatever you may call it).
Does CCleaner not, at least, recycle the same volume of data (MB or GB)as was in the recycle bin ?
When its gone its gone.
When you empty the 100 MB junk from your Paper Bin it is deleted and cannot be deleted again,
unless of course you want to securely Wipe Free Space in which case umpteen GBytes get scrubbed each and every time.
The 20 MB that CCleaner deleted is other junk that lurks in other places.
That's what puzzled me in the first post.
Once you've emptied the Recycle Bin manually, CCleaner won't be able to clear the Recycle Bin of that data again. The deleted data CCleaner displays after you've done that, is from various other locations on your computer.
Also, if you have the "Empty Recycle Bin" box checked in CCleaner, you don't need to empty it manually.
Maybe a little confusion about how CCleaner operates, which means you're amongst good company. Some of us on here get confused very easily.
@ Alan_B and DennisD
Everything clear and understood. Many thanks to both of you.
I was under the impression that CCleaner would really clean every junk on hard drive,
inclusive of "left overs" from emptied recycle bin.
Sorry for having created confusion.
Have a great weekend.