After I have run CCleaner my assumption is that all my browsing history will have disappeared, however those pesky people at Ebay seem to be able to keep recent searches and suggestions of similar items i might be interested in when I don?t want them too!( especially with Christmas shopping coming to the fore)the very next time I re visit the site Is there some tick box in CCleaner that would include such browsing history to clear EBay searches and history ?
Websites track you with Cookies. The browsing history is mainly just there for your benefit, it doesn't allow websites to track you. Make sure CCleaner is set to clean your browser's cookies and also set it to clean Adobe Flash Player, a lot of websites are getting sneaky and storing tracking cookies there. If you're using Firefox, in Options/Privacy/Exceptions, you can allow cookies from Ebay for just the session. This usually ensures that they're deleted whenever you close FF. And as was mentioned, check your Ebay preferences to see if there's something there that might be causing it. Honestly I don't know if it can be completely prevented at sites like Ebay. If you keep all cookies cleaned and stay logged out you shouldn't see it, but when you log in you'll probably start getting bugged again.
Hi Guys thanks for the`s looking more like Ebay I think,There`s not much in the preferences to opt out of in relation to the ebay page settings,
With CCleaner I do`nt have every box ticked in the windows section and I`ll list what is unchecked,I`m not really sure what a lot of them do so if you think I should have these checked as a good idea I would appreciate the feedback...
It's E-Bay tracking you via your log-in. The only way I found around the annoyance is to browse for items without logging into my account. If I find something I like, I save the link as a favorite. I then close out my browser, run CCleaner and then use the favorite link to goto the item and then log-in for my purchase or bid. Hope this helps.
Maybe it seems annoying, but if you can't remember something you looked at and wanted that too could be annoying. It's really not much different from most shopping sites such as that list what I've looked at which comes in handy actually if I change my mind and buy it.
Thanks for your reply. Yes, favicons is the word that I was looking for.
And thanks for the link to the Firefox configuration settings via the address bar… I didn’t know about that.
I’m sure your solution would successfully remove the favicons from the browser, but what I’m more concerned with is that that single persistent eBay favicon in the bookmarks is an indication that I’m being tracked by eBay when I don’t want to be, and when I’ve adjusted all the settings (and used CCleaner) not to be.
After some more research I found seven eBay cookies--
EBAY web page in Firefox 3.6.24 ...
Tools > Page Info > Permissions
In "Permissions" I had to change Cookies from “Allow” to “Allow for session”
(Only 1/2 of the cookies were set to expire at the end of the session.)
Then I wondered about (and re-checked) my Firefox privacy settings, which were set to “Start Firefox with Private Browsing”
Un-checking "private browsing" and instead using "custom settings" provided me addiitional privacy options.
("custom settings" also permitted me to find an additional ten ebay cookies)
So whatever Firefox's "Private browsing + don't remember anything + clear everything on exit" is, it's not really private at all.
Private browsing should be left unchecked and “Customs Settings” should be used.
that single persistent eBay favicon in the bookmarks is an indication that I’m being tracked by eBay
No, it's not. Browser favicon storage is powered by witchcraft alone. It's probably just being cached somewhere else in the browser. Firefox ships with the ebay search engine, right? Have you considered that the ebay favicon is marked as persistent so that the search engine thingamajig doesn't break?
(Keep in mind, this is only speculation since I have no intention of installing a three year old browser to test it)
The favicon is probably just stuck inside of the places.sqlite file which houses bookmarks at least in current modern versions of Firefox, but in that older Firefox I don't remember where it put them. It's possible to edit out favicons from the places.sqlite file without damaging it but only if you know what you're doing. I've personally did that in the past after disabling favicons.