CCleaner Drive Wiper

Any help on this would be gratefully received. :)

I have a Toshiba Laptop with Vista Home Premium Edition and have been using the File Backup facility

to put my files on E drive as well as to an external hard drive. I recently received a message saying

the E drive is full and that the backup failed. Checked it out and yes it is more or less full but I

cannot find a way of deleting obsolete backup files to free up space on the E drive. :angry:

Can I use CCleaner Drive Wipe to 'Safely' get rid of these unwanted files on my E drive ? :huh:

I would delete the unwanted files, then run Drive Wiper, tweaked like so.


What happens when you try to delete the obsolete back up files?

Are you in administrator mode when you try to delete them?

Have you tried deleting them while in safe mode?

Hi kroozer & hazelnut

Thanks for your prompt replies.

No I have not tried it in Administrator or Safe Mode but

will get onto this and feed back to you.

Thanks again for your suggestions.

Hi kroozer & hazelnut

After your very helpful suggestions

I went into Properties on my E drive

Clicked the Security Tab

Changed the Permissions For the only

User(i.e ME) to Full Control.

Then deleted all my old backup files

and while doing so was prompted to

get into Administrator Mode before

the delete would be allowed.

I managed to free up 20 gig :) of space although

for some reason 50 gig stayed as used space. :unsure:

Bit weird but better than the disk being

full and getting the disk space message.

Have stopped this backup working now and

will try to Wipe The Disk Later and will

feed when done. :rolleyes:

Thanks for your helpful replies. :)

Personally I am not a believer in Wiping a disk for any purpose than to prevent snooping on previous files.

I think you can format your disc to remove all the remaining 50 GB of files, and it can be quick.

I do not see how Wiping Free Space will make any improvement to available space, but it will take forever to do nowt ! !