CCleaner doesn't clean thumbnails & Archive Windows error reporting

Hi, I'am under Vista SP1. I just noticed that CCleaner does not remove my thumbnails and the system archive windows error reporting. First I ran cc and after that i checked on the properties of my disk > disk clean up, i saw that all these files are still there.

Other thing: what is the Menu order cache, user assist history, windows size/location cache ? There is a way to run registry automaticaly just like the cleaner in startup with some /AUTO config ?

Hi hannubys,

Those Advanced options you mentioned are best left alone until you do a little more research and learning.

They are not needed that often but are need by "heavy" advanced users.

Do some "searching" on the forum and the net.Start out simple search on "Vista" in the forum.I refer you to this Post for more info.;#entry96299

Search at those sites and you will learn alot in short order.

Then GOOGLE search and find the popular tech advice sites.

YOU DO NOT DO REGISTRY CLEANING ON AUTOMATIC.It's tricky enough as it is.It is risky business

for those who don't know enough to get out of trouble.Unless you can afford to be without your PC

for awhile.

I mean this in the best way.

Best Wishes,

:) davey

Thanks for reporting those files.Can you provide file paths etc.

Hi hannubys,

Those Advanced options you mentioned are best left alone until you do a little more research and learning.

They are not needed that often but are need by "heavy" advanced users.

Do some "searching" on the forum and the net.Start out simple search on "Vista" in the forum.I refer you to this Post for more info.;#entry96299

Search at those sites and you will learn alot in short order.

Then GOOGLE search and find the popular tech advice sites.

YOU DO NOT DO REGISTRY CLEANING ON AUTOMATIC.It's tricky enough as it is.It is risky business

for those who don't know enough to get out of trouble.Unless you can afford to be without your PC

for awhile.

I mean this in the best way.

Best Wishes,

:) davey

Thanks for reporting those files.Can you provide file paths etc.

Thanks, I don't know where are stored this files. I'm doing some research

I found it for the thumbnail. It's there C:\Users\'name'\AppData\Local\Microsoft\Windows\Explorer. There are files likes this : thumbcache_32.db thumbcache_96.db thumbcache_256.db thumbcache_1024.db thumbcache_idx.db thumbcache_sr.db

For the Error Reporting : C:\Users\'name'\AppData\Local\Microsoft\Windows\WER Inside there are 3 folders : ERC, ReportArchive, ReportQueue.