Hi, I'am under Vista SP1. I just noticed that CCleaner does not remove my thumbnails and the system archive windows error reporting. First I ran cc and after that i checked on the properties of my disk > disk clean up, i saw that all these files are still there.
Other thing: what is the Menu order cache, user assist history, windows size/location cache ? There is a way to run registry automaticaly just like the cleaner in startup with some /AUTO config ?
I found it for the thumbnail. It's there C:\Users\'name'\AppData\Local\Microsoft\Windows\Explorer. There are files likes this : thumbcache_32.db thumbcache_96.db thumbcache_256.db thumbcache_1024.db thumbcache_idx.db thumbcache_sr.db
For the Error Reporting : C:\Users\'name'\AppData\Local\Microsoft\Windows\WER Inside there are 3 folders : ERC, ReportArchive, ReportQueue.