When using Google Chrome there appears to be an issue CCleaner NOT clearing search history properly.
Try this yourself.
DO a search in google for anything you want - lets say the word "Lasagne"
You will get a page of google search results.
Click on one of the results - any one of them - and it opens that page - now click BACK on Chrome and you will go back to the search results page.
The link you had just clicked on now appears in light purple - this is Chromes way of telling you you have already clicked on this link. All the other search results are dark purple.
Now close Chrome and run CCleaner and wipe all your history.
Then search for "Lasagne" again.
And you will be surprised to find that the link you clicked on last time is still showing as Light Purple - indicating Chrome remembers you clicked on it.
In fact CCleaner does not wipe this portion of your history. The only way to get rid of that light purple highlighted link is to go into Google Chromes own settings and Clear ALL browser History in Chrome.
This is a pretty surprising in CCleaner in my opinion and I have always loved this product - but its NOT working properly for Chrome.
Can someone look at this and fix it please.
I am using the lastest version of CCleaner as downloaded today.
I am NOT logged into my google account so it is not getting the information from there. I am not in incognito mode. I have the Trend Micro security add in enabled - could this be the problem ? - I suspect the add in is somehow keeping history that ccleaner does not spot. ??
I have tried resetting my router to allocate myself a new IP address and running CCleaner - but Chrome still remembers that I clicked the link so its not IP related.
HELP ! Can some of you guys try this and let me know if you can duplicate my results.