Hello, I've been having this problem off and on and lately it has become unusable. I love the way that CCleaner searches for duplicate files by content.
I am running Windows 10 with latest updates and CCleaner v5.88.9346 (64-bit).
I keep getting the "Some selected files were not deleted" error.
I have tried everything possible to fix this. I have made sure the folder and its files are owned by myself, everyone has full control, folder is NOT on read only mode. I can locate the files from the list CCleaner spits out and delete them myself, I have tried running CCleaner in administrator mode, the files are not set to compressed nor set to archived status, my log from DEBUG does not offer any useful information for this problem, multiple ccleaner uninstall and reinstall, reinstalled windows 10, I even got a brand new computer to try this on with a fresh setup, this is not caused by my antivirus or windows defender as I tried doing it on a fresh installation of windows.
The files are located on different external drives so the problem is not isolated to 1 drive.
A couple of questions the answers to which may help pin down what is happening here.
Is it just certain files or when it happens will it not remove any files?
If it's just certain ones then:
What kind of files are these? (What is being removed and what isn't being removed).
What size are the problem files?
How long are the pathnames?
Is there anything unusual about the formatting of the external drives? (RAID for example).
My first thought is due to the fact that these are external drives.
And from your description of what is happening it sounds as if it might be similar to something that is sometimes seen when using Recuva with external drives.
If it's been long enough between the scan and the attempt to access/delete the file(s) then the external drive may have been powered off/put to sleep by Windows.
If/when this happens then when Windows wakes the drive again CCleaner will see the drive as having been changed, so for safety will not apply the results of previously run searches.
If that is what is happening here then see this for how to prevent the drive(s) going to sleep: <a href="https://www.thewindowsclub.com/prevent-hard-drive-going-sleep-windows" ipsnoembed="true" rel="external nofollow">https://www.thewindowsclub.com/prevent-hard-drive-going-sleep-windows</a>
If it isn't that (Ie. if some are being removed but others not) then the answers to the questions above may give some other clues.
Non of my drives are set to power off and are fully functional. Just to humor this I was watching a video on the drive while scanning and attempting to delete but still did not work. I've moved entire contents from a folder into a brand new "New Folder" but they still dont delete.
Drives are not RAID. I also experience this issue on internal drives as well, but most are external.
The file extensions range from .mp4 .mp3 .png .jpg .jpeg .gif .m3u8, but I would have to say .mp4 is more common in this issue.
File sizes range from a couple of MB to a couple of GB
I don't think path length has a factor in this. I dumped a folder that has duplicates that would not delete into the root and ran the scan with CCleaner still not able to remove the files.
I always try to delete the files immediately following the scan.
Except for if the files are already in use by some application, and I think you'd know if they were.
It seems odd that Duplicate Finder can find them but can't delete them. Almost as if it was a permissions issue but you say you have ruled that out.
I thought that it would be something to do with the way the external drives are connected and being seen by Windows?
Although I do note that you say it sometimes happens with internal drives as well.
So I think that whatever is causing this is probably with the files themselves, especially as you say it's the same if you copy those files to a different location (different machine?) and Duplicate finder still wouldn't delete them.
You could try emailing support on support@CCleaner.com
TBH though I'd probably just make a list, Duplicate Finder has a 'Save to Text file' to save the results after you have scanned, and then manually delete the ones that Duplicate Finder won't handle.
CCleaner has already done the hard work of finding them for you.