CCleaner: Do I get to say yes or no before delete?

My question is about CCleaner: Do I get to say yes or no before delete?......

Personally I would go over the list of items CCleaner will try to remove. Mostly CCleaner should remove temporary files that are not needs and takes up space on your hard drive.

Yes, but only as a 'Do you want to delete all this stuff or not?', not applicable to individual items. You can of course right click on any category to be cleaned and select either Analyse or Clean, and that restricts cleaning to one category at a time.

I don't look, or want to look, at the list of individual files scheduled for cleaning, let alone investigate each one for elegibility for deletion. Even I can find something better to do than that.

The only things that CCleaner removes is what you want it to. If you don't want it to erase cookies...uncheck the "Cookies" checkbox. If you want it to erase temp files...check the "Temporary Files" checkbox.

If you want to know what CCleaner will remove, click the "Analyze" button.

Yes if all that is checked for cleaning are those that are checked by default. But when it comes to the other options besides the default ones, better be careful, always reserve a backup or a restore point especially when it comes to the registry cleaner function.