CCleaner disappears!

I've been a CCleaner user for about 10 years - and upgraded to the professional version 6 years ago. Running windows 7 on a 9 year old HP laptop. It appeared to be

performing as expected, and occasionally I would run it manually. PROBLEM - the shortcut disappeared from my "home" (?) screen. I checked "all programs" and found

it there - opened it did some clicking here and there - found a "short cut" - put it on my home screen but it doesn't open the CCleaner program which allows me to run

the program. BTW, I still have the "LICENSE KEY"!!!. Somewhere I also seem to have picked up AVAST - I know I didn't install it.

If someone is free to respond, please keep it simple!! You think my computer is OLD ? You should see me ! FEW computer skills, JUS GETTIN BY. KISS concept works.

Exactly the same thing has happened to me...

The program completely disappeared for no apparent reason so I tried to reinstall it. During the installation process there was an error and the key file would not install.

It is a problem with some AntiVirus programmes at the moment.

They are not recognising the new version of CCleaner so they are stopping it running or even removing it.

(And because of the coronavirus crisis they are short staffed and so it's taking them time to update their whitelists).

Which anti virus programme are each of you using?

Thanks very much for your reply.

I'm running McAfee and Malwarebytes.

I'd suggest looking at you McAfee and see if there is any log of it removing/quarantining CCleaner.

I'd also try making sure that your McAffee is up to date and maybe making CCleaner an exclusion in McAfee, at least for a while.

If you are using MB with McAfee then you'll probably already know how to make exclusions.

Whilst it's mostly been Trend Micro that is blocking/removing v5.65, there have also been reports of McAffee doing the same.

With both AV's the reports are that if you update the AV then the blocking usually ends, if not then making CCleaner an exclusion in the updated AV does the job.

(With TM you have to get the latest 2020 version from their webpage, updating from within the programme isn't enough).

Malwarebytes does not seem to be an issue, because it works differently to traditional AV's.

1 hour ago, nukecad said:
<div class="ipsQuote_contents">
		I'd suggest looking at you McAfee and see if there is any log of it removing/quarantining CCleaner.

		I'd also try making sure that your McAffee is up to date and maybe making CCleaner an exclusion in McAfee, at least for a while.

		If you are using MB with McAfee then you'll probably already know how to make exclusions.

		Whilst it's mostly been Trend Micro that is blocking/removing v5.65, there have also been reports of McAffee doing the same.

		With both AV's the reports are that if you update the AV then the blocking usually ends, if not then making CCleaner an exclusion in the updated AV does the job.

		(With TM you have to get the latest 2020 version from their webpage, updating from within the programme isn't enough).

		Malwarebytes does not seem to be an issue, because it works differently to traditional AV's.

I updated McAfee and reinstalled CCleaner successfully.

Thanks for your help. Before installing CCleaner my laptop was dreadfully slow so I wouldn't want to be without it.