CCleaner destroys Word 2003 settings

Hi, the Problem is that after running ccleaner (latest version, 2.34, German)important settings in Word 2003 are reset a.e. in 'extras/options/save' as well as in the autocorrect-settings.

I'm running Win XP Prof SP3, MS office 2003 SP3.

First I unmarked the items (temporary internetfiles, history, customized file etc.) step by step, every time the word-settings were deleted. In the End I unmarked every item, pushed 'analyze' and then run ccleaner: the result was the same.

What's going on? What can I do?

thanks in advance


CC simply cleans too much. You'll have to customize the wiping process of CC. It was already discussed in previous posts. There're two ways to customize the wiping process.

#1. See post #5 of this thread


#2. See info in this thread:


It provides the second way to customize the wiping process. Both for Office 2003 but the same process can used to customize the wiping CC process for EVERY program with a CC script.

You use a german version of Office 2003. So, then you'll have to read this thread


as well. Yes, that's A LOT OF homework but it will pay off in the end.

CC simply cleans too much. You'll have to customize the wiping process of CC. It was already discussed in previous posts. There're two ways to customize the wiping process.

#1. See post #5 of this thread


#2. See info in this thread:


It provides the second way to customize the wiping process. Both for Office 2003 but the same process can used to customize the wiping CC process for EVERY program with a CC script.

You use a german version of Office 2003. So, then you'll have to read this thread


as well. Yes, that's A LOT OF homework but it will pay off in the end.

Many Thanks to You Willy2,

I ticked off Office 2203 in apllications-section and this worked.

What I could not do according to your other advice is to add any entries in the exclude-section concerning the registry. I tried to copy an paste but the 'ok'-button remained in 'silent grey'.

Thanks again


When CC continues to grey out the OK button in the Exclude section then you either made an typing error or that registry key doesn't exist. (CC checks very carefully whether something exists in the regsitry or not) If you know how to use a registry editor (e.g. Regedit) then you can check whether one or more keys exist in the registry or not.

The line that began with Filekey...... must be entered not in the registry key part of the Exclude menu but in the either folder or file part of the Exclude menu.

Perhaps using method #2 (like MRG7 did) is less complicated.