ccleaner deletes needed passwords

hi there,

i really am delighted with ccleaner, however, one issue i have is i do not know how to keep my bank account number

on the bank website. therefore, each time, i have to enter 10 numbers and then my password to get into my online bank statement. isn't there a way to be sure this information is kept? i seem to remember ccleaner was ignoring this information for a while, but now it started wiping it all clean when i run the cclean site. thanks for any help you can give.....i know you must have answered this question from other folks many times, however, i cannot find the answer easily.



To keep CCleaner from deleting your Bank account cookies, close your internet browsers, open CCleaner ? Options ? Cookies. Drag the bank cookie(s) from the left panel to the right panel.

Also in CCleaner, on all your listed browsers you may want to untick ☐Autocomplete/Saved form history and ☐Passwords.

Welcome to the forum, Scott. :)

To keep CCleaner from deleting your Bank account cookies, close your internet browsers, open CCleaner ? Options ? Cookies. Drag the bank cookie(s) from the left panel to the right panel.

Thanks for the tip Kroozer. I use CCleaner a lot, but I never thought about that one. Never used it actually, since I always have it unchecked to clear the autocomplete. Your a real timesaver!

So simple, just looked right over it!

To keep CCleaner from deleting your Bank account cookies, close your internet browsers, open CCleaner ? Options ? Cookies. Drag the bank cookie(s) from the left panel to the right panel.

Also in CCleaner, on all your listed browsers you may want to untick ☐Autocomplete/Saved form history and ☐Passwords.

Welcome to the forum, Scott. :)

thanks for this information. i did all just as you said, but am still getting the bank number wiped out each time. good grief, this is frustrating. if i cannot get this fixed, i will just have to memorize 13 numbers and enter them

each time. arrrrggggg!!!!!


- - good grief, this is frustrating. if i cannot get this fixed, i will just have to memorize 13 numbers and enter them

each time. arrrrggggg!!!!!

I agree - dang frustrating! It's just some little tweak somewhere.

Meanwhile until solved, I suggest you simply keep the 13-digit code in a handy text file on the desk top and copy/paste into your bank page when logging on. That should spare you from memorizing. :)

I use the LastPass Addon on Firefox. It also works on other browsers.

I recently jumped from an old Laptop to a far more powerful desktop,

and am still struggling with how Windows 7 cannot work the way that XP did.

One thing was so easy for me.

My website passwords are all securely encrypted and held encrypted on Lastpass servers,

and my new desktop only needed the one password to access the lastpass servers with all the old XP passwords,

so now Lastpass can retrieve and give my PC the corresponding encrypted password every time I visit any web-site,

and this is then automatically decrypted by my resident software and submitted to the web-site.

Alan, I downloaded LastPass and it works beautifully.....i now have all my banking information at my fingertips....

and i do not need to worry about my memory. GREAT.....Thanks....You get a gold star.

@scott the good thing about lastpass is (I believe) it stores in the cloud so you can access it from everywhere (other devices/friends computers etc). the bad thing is it's stored in the cloud. ;)

BTW I use keepass (portable app sits in my thumb drive and inserts username and password on hotkey press)