i really am delighted with ccleaner, however, one issue i have is i do not know how to keep my bank account number
on the bank website. therefore, each time, i have to enter 10 numbers and then my password to get into my online bank statement. isn't there a way to be sure this information is kept? i seem to remember ccleaner was ignoring this information for a while, but now it started wiping it all clean when i run the cclean site. thanks for any help you can give.....i know you must have answered this question from other folks many times, however, i cannot find the answer easily.
To keep CCleaner from deleting your Bank account cookies, close your internet browsers, open CCleaner ? Options ? Cookies. Drag the bank cookie(s) from the left panel to the right panel.
Also in CCleaner, on all your listed browsers you may want to untick ☐Autocomplete/Saved form history and ☐Passwords.
To keep CCleaner from deleting your Bank account cookies, close your internet browsers, open CCleaner ? Options ? Cookies. Drag the bank cookie(s) from the left panel to the right panel.
Thanks for the tip Kroozer. I use CCleaner a lot, but I never thought about that one. Never used it actually, since I always have it unchecked to clear the autocomplete. Your a real timesaver!
To keep CCleaner from deleting your Bank account cookies, close your internet browsers, open CCleaner ? Options ? Cookies. Drag the bank cookie(s) from the left panel to the right panel.
Also in CCleaner, on all your listed browsers you may want to untick ☐Autocomplete/Saved form history and ☐Passwords.
Welcome to the forum, Scott.
thanks for this information. i did all just as you said, but am still getting the bank number wiped out each time. good grief, this is frustrating. if i cannot get this fixed, i will just have to memorize 13 numbers and enter them
- - good grief, this is frustrating. if i cannot get this fixed, i will just have to memorize 13 numbers and enter them
each time. arrrrggggg!!!!!
I agree - dang frustrating! It's just some little tweak somewhere.
Meanwhile until solved, I suggest you simply keep the 13-digit code in a handy text file on the desk top and copy/paste into your bank page when logging on. That should spare you from memorizing.
@scott the good thing about lastpass is (I believe) it stores in the cloud so you can access it from everywhere (other devices/friends computers etc). the bad thing is it's stored in the cloud.
BTW I use keepass (portable app sits in my thumb drive and inserts username and password on hotkey press)