The line starting "Include1=PATH" is ONLY added to the config file when YOU add an include file in CCleaner. As I said, go to CCleaner's Options, Include section and delete "C:\Documents and Settings\nicolas\|*.rdbkp"
And it delete the junction directories who are in C:\Documents and settings\nicolas\Documents\
The junctions is Images, Musiques, T?l?chargements and also it delete empty directory named tmp that made mistake with SubVersion
That is a separate issue I think, I have no experience of Junctions though and don't really understand what you're getting at so maybe someone else can give some idea with that
The line starting "Include1=PATH" is ONLY added to the config file when YOU add an include file in CCleaner. As I said, go to CCleaner's Options, Include section and delete "C:\Documents and Settings\nicolas\|*.rdbkp"
That is a separate issue I think, I have no experience of Junctions though and don't really understand what you're getting at so maybe someone else can give some idea with that
Yes i know for the include ;o)
i want delete file with this pattern in C:\Documents and settings\nicolas
but this delete junction that are in subdirectory my problem si the delete of the junction