Everytime I click on tools my CCleaner crashes. Everything else works fine I've tried reinstalling it and even added it to startup. Nothing seems to be working. I also added it to my firewall. It shuts itself off and sends a crash error to microsoft every time I click the tools button. Is there anything I can do to fix this.
Everytime I click on tools my CCleaner crashes. Everything else works fine I've tried reinstalling it and even added it to startup. Nothing seems to be working. I also added it to my firewall. It shuts itself off and sends a crash error to microsoft every time I click the tools button. Is there anything I can do to fix this.
Can you post some additional information? Such as your OS, version of CCleaner, and an error message?
Can you post some additional information? Such as your OS, version of CCleaner, and an error message?
My operating system is windows xp home edition with sp2 and I have the latest version of ccleaner 127. The other versions did the same thing. There is no error message Ccleaner shuts off and makes 2 beeping sounds as soon as I click on tools. The error message happens when any program crashes. Its the microsft crash error report. Which sends a crash report to microsoft.
My operating system is windows xp home edition with sp2 and I have the latest version of ccleaner 127. The other versions did the same thing. There is no error message Ccleaner shuts off and makes 2 beeping sounds as soon as I click on tools. The error message happens when any program crashes. Its the microsft crash error report. Which sends a crash report to microsoft.
You can look at the error report in your event viewer. Maybe the error won't be useful, but maybe it will. I'm not sure what's going on. Sometimes an error report can give useful information, but not always. It's weird that everything else in CCleaner works except that feature. Where did you download from?
You can look at the error report in your event viewer. Maybe the error won't be useful, but maybe it will. I'm not sure what's going on. Sometimes an error report can give useful information, but not always. It's weird that everything else in CCleaner works except that feature. Where did you download from?
The info is usless mostly binary numbers and temporary folder things. I downloaded it from the main page of Ccleaner and before that from download.com.
The info is usless mostly binary numbers and temporary folder things. I downloaded it from the main page of Ccleaner and before that from download.com.
The error report in Event View will give you an Error Message. (Example: "An error was cause in xxx.dll windows will now close. We are sorry for the inconvenience".) And it will give you the source of the error as well as an Event ID.
Open Control Panel > Administrative Tools > Event Viewer > Application Error Records (Also check your System Error Records)
I'm not sure that this will shed any light on your situation, but it could give us a starting point.
Dj, this doesn't prevent error logs from showing up under Administrative Tools > Event Viewer. They are still there. It simply keeps Windows from sending error reports to Microsoft, which is useless, as I stated before.
I agree with DjLizard by not disabling error reporting. Hence if a Microsoft program produces an error that's the only way MS can release proper patches, and implementations into the next service pack if there is one.
I for one can say that the error reporting does fix issues hence with Publisher 2003 it didn't fully support my Scanner/Printer and simply by reporting the error data within three months it was patched in a service pack.
I agree with DjLizard by not disabling error reporting. Hence if a Microsoft program produces an error that's the only way MS can release proper patches, and implementations into the next service pack if there is one.
I for one can say that the error reporting does fix issues hence with Publisher 2003 it didn't fully support my Scanner/Printer and simply by reporting the error data within three months it was patched in a service pack.
Windows XP has been around for over 5 years. Any error report I send them has already been sent to them by a million other users who don't know how to turn the service off.
Why leave on a service that slows me down, when I don't need it? Especially when supporting Microsoft is not exactly number 1 on my priority list. While we're at it, why not drop $400 on MS Office instead of using OpenOffice.org so that we can further support MS?
I tried the dial a fix and Ccleaner is still crashing. I moved most of my software from my c drive to my d drive maybee Ccleaner only works with the c drive.
I tried the dial a fix and Ccleaner is still crashing. I moved most of my software from my c drive to my d drive maybee Ccleaner only works with the c drive.
You repaired permissions with dial-a-fix, and it didn't work? You don't need to move your software.
First, try this: Reboot in Safe Mode, logon as administrator, and run CCleaner. If that doesn't work.
Try this: Have your installation CD ready, but don't insert it until you're prompted to do so.
start > run > (type) sfc /scannow (there is a space after sfc)