CCleaner crashes on install, won't run at all [bug with 0patch]

CCleaner crashes on install, won't run at all since v.5.65

What operating system are you using? Win7 Pro SP1

What security software are you using?  AVG, 0patch. Disabling both before install didn't help

Are you using the free version of CCleaner? Yes

Did you download from the CCleaner website? Yes

Are there  any instances of CCleaner already running in the Windows TaskManager? No

Does the slim build from here work for you? No

Problem signature:

  Problem Event Name:    APPCRASH

  Application Name:    CCleaner64.exe

  Application Version:

  Application Timestamp:    5ea6ca85

  Fault Module Name:    ntdll.dll

  Fault Module Version:    6.1.7601.24545

  Fault Module Timestamp:    5e0eb67f

  Exception Code:    c0000005

  Exception Offset:    0000000000032ad4

  OS Version:    6.1.7601.

  Locale ID:    1033

  Additional Information 1:    90cf

  Additional Information 2:    90cf76f4b567d42817481f10eea4d1a2

  Additional Information 3:    cb97

  Additional Information 4:    cb97d2f1d321fd1c782b697bbd84ddb9

Using Windows 10, Firefox

Malwarebytes Premium

Norton 360.

My Install also crashes or doesn't even start to install since v5.64

Never had a problem before even with these running & not disabled. Really miss my ccleaner!

I have been having this same problem. I note that the version of ntdll.dll shown in the problem signature is dated 1/2/2020 (I suspect that it was installed be the final WIN 7 update KB4534310). Could there be some incompatibility between the newer CCleaner versions and this version of ntdll.dll?

I found out that 0Patch is causing the problem - see I've applied the fix, but it still won't work so I've reached out to them again. Will post followup when I hear fromthem.

OK, I am running 0patch, but i thought I had eliminated that as the problem by excluding CCleaner through the 0patch dashboard and then also by disabling the 0patch agent. CCleaner continued to crash in either case. I guess the problem is more subtle than it would seem. I am leary of mucking about in the registry, and since that didn't work for you I am going to wait for your followup. Thanks for the heads up.

Latest is that they left out a registry modification step in the fix, but after doing that I still haven't gotten it to work. You might should notify them of your problem too -

Finally got it working on the PC after 0Patch updated the instructions (see link above) a couple more times! Still not working on laptop though; might need a reboot.

Working on laptop now. Had to uninstall 0Patch and CC, then reinstall CC and 0Patch, then do the fixes.