Ccleaner crash report


I am new here, I am not Always but when I open ccleaner stopped working or not responding, a window with yellow triangle informing problem and ask to send a report. Ccleaner Free Version 5.10.5373 this problem never happened with previous versions.

dump in folder

C:\Program Files\CCleaner



I can not attach already that I'm not allowed

I am having the same problem with the same version. Ever since the most recent update, when I click on the CCleaner icon on the desktop CCleaner will crash and I get the notice that windows sees and is reporting the crash. It doesn't happen every day, but looking back in my logs, it almost does, just not quite every day. When I then click the CCleaner icon the second time it starts, no problem.

I have been using CCleaner for a very long time, and this is the first time this crashing has happened which started with the newest update. My computer is running, Windows 7 Pro, 64 with all the MS updates installed.

Right-click on dmp file and select 'send to compressed zip'.

You should then be able to attach zip file in a post providing it isn't too large.


Windows 7 32 bits Home basic

Thanks very much for the information - we'll look into this :)

I also have this problem , each time I open CC from the task bar it instantly stops . I have just tried to send report but got error message that there was an error . CC then has to be closed and then opens ok . This is on Windows 10 Pro , hope you can resolve , if any info needed please ask .

I've been using Ccleaner for years and has been rock solid. Ever since I upgraded to v5.10.5373 it has become unstable and will sometimes crash on launch. I'm on a Windows 7 PC x64.

Same as above: version v5.10.5373 crashes on launch.

Need to close the app and start it again. Then it launches normally.

This is happenning on 5 different PCs, running Intel/AMD, Win7/XP/8/10, 32/64.

So, it seems not to be a computer problem.

(sorry for the bad English. I’m from Brasil)

I just registered in this site to notify about the same issue. For years I never had a problem with CCleaner. Previous versions were always solid and never crashed, but this new version 5.10 crashes almost every day on startup, in 2 different computers with different hardware but same OS: Windows 7 64-bit.

All launches were from the taskbar. If I open again CCleaner, it runs fine until the next day after I reboot the computers. After that most likely it will crash again the first time I run CCleaner on each computer. In the current computer I'm using to type this, only once I was able to send a report (the first time it crashed), later crashes I wasn't able because the only option allowed to me by Windows was to close the program without the chance to send the reports. But I found some DMP files in CCleaner's folder that I'm attaching for further analysis, all compressed in one file, in case they help to find the problem.

Many thanks.

what if you try the portable build?

Solved (it seems).

Uninstalled CC, reboot and made a fresh install of it.

Problems are gone in all 5 physical plus 4 VM machines.

Maybe something went wrong with the last CC update?

I too was having this issue with CCleaner build is v5.10.5373. Note that I am using the free version and do not have any of CCleaner's monitoring features enabled. CCleaner was crashing only the first time I launched CCleaner after rebooting my Windows XP computer, and I assumed that the issue was with this CCleaner build. CCleaner didn't crash when I subsequently launched CCleaner.

I also noticed that I was having problems adding new bookmarks to a particular bookmark folder in Firefox. The problem was that the last bookmark in the folder was being overwritten with the data for the new bookmark which I was trying to add to this bookmark folder in Firefox. Since I have a ton of bookmarks in tons of folders in Firefox, I figured that it was time for me to clean up some of those large bookmark folders by removing some bookmark entries and moving other bookmark entries to new subfolders. I got this idea from reading online that Firefox does have limits for the number of entries in bookmark folders, and for the maximum size of all bookmarks.

So, to make a long story short, after I removed some Firefox bookmarks and reorganized them such that no bookmark folder or subfolder contains too many bookmark entries, I discovered that CCleaner no longer crashes the first time it is launched after rebooting my computer, or whenever I subsequently launch CCleaner.

I did what Eolo suggested, I had thought of doing it myself. I deleted with Revo and re-installed CCleaner, so far it seems to have worked. I will let you know if it keeps working or not. .


No more crashes since yesterday’s CC fresh installation.

Also, did the same on 3 other family / friends PCs, which were facing the problem. All solved.



I use Firefox, IE and Chrome, and also have a LARGE number of bookmarks, organized in a lot of folders/subfolders. Well, I didn’t make any changes on them or in any of the browsers configurations, just made the CC fresh install. No more problems up to now.


I believe some update on one of the browsers, together with the last CC update, led to the bug. Probably some CC file or config was not changed accordingly on the update, which was corrected via the fresh install.

Re my previous post where I thought that cleaning up my Firefox bookmarks seemed to resolve CCleaner's crashing on first launch after a reboot, that didn't solve the problem after all. So I will try everyone's suggestion of completely uninstalling CCleaner and then doing a fresh install on all of my computers. Thanks Eolo for your reply and your notes about how a fresh install seems to have fixed the issue on your family and friend's computers.

Well, bad news for the CC guys, from Brazil:

(besides Economy and Politics and all the rest! J)

Problems are back: random CC v5.10.5373 launching problems in 2 PCs, Win7 32 (AMD) and 64 Ultimate (Intel).

I’ve tried to force it, see when or why it happens, but it seems to be random. No patterns identified.

CC Masters, we need help!

and in trying to find a pattern...

is there a common anti-virus software used?

does it also happen when booted in Safe Mode?

on the first run of CC, with the internet disconnected, does it happen?

has anyone tried the slim or portable builds?

I assume the problem goes away when v5.09 is installed?

There likely wont be one. We recently dealt with the same issue where our app was allocating a sufficiently large array that it can't fulfill with out garbage collection. Which goes with why it runs the second time. It's a programming issue, not a av, internet etc

The dump contains the info needed.

Haven’t thought about downgrading, as suggested by MTA...

Well, just had CC downgraded to version 5.09.5343 on 2 PCs (Win7 Ultimate 32 AMD and 64 Intel).

Let’s see how it goes.

Adding my 2 cents worth.... Win7, 64 bit; CC v.5.10.5373. After years of using CCleaner problem-free I have now received a "crash" three times since yesterday. One NOTE: when attempting to send a crash report the crash report window either sends or disappears before I am done entering information into the window.

Further info: whether it has anything to do with CC's crashes or not (I suspect not) the only "unusual" activity I've done on my PC of late is to uninstall / re-uninstall some of Windows Win10 related windows updates -- rebooting my PC between each un-installation. (Specifically, KB2952664, KB2990214, KB3035583, KB3021917, KB3083710.)

One QUESTION: should I not worry about it, wait for Piriform's next CC update, or uninstall/reinstall CC? (Once past the crash window CC DOES seem to run a-OK.)