A couple of weeeks ago, before I updated Vista SP1, the CCleaner was still working fine.
After I updated Vista SP1, there was a messaage appeared on the computer (in Traditional Chinesee). I translated it as below:
This file (ccleaner.exe) didn't have the related formula to perform this action. You have to set up the connection(or relation) in the control panel item to establish this connection (or relation).
I have removed the older version of CCleaner and downloaded the new one.
But the same error message was shown up. What can I do?
KB961260:Windows Vista 的 Internet Explorer 7 積存安全性更新 2009/2/11 06:30pm (for security update)
KB960715:Windows Vista 的 ActiveX Killbits 更新彙總套件 2009/2/11 06:29pm
KB905866:Windows Mail 垃圾郵件篩選器更新 [2009 年 2 月] 2009/2/11 06:28pm
Definition Update for Windows Defender - KB915597 (Definition 1.51.391.0) 2009/2/10 08:33am
After updating, the computer started to present a window to ask if I allow the the programm execute every time when I tried to use some software. This change, I think, may be caused by "KB961260", "KB960715" or "KB890830".
Is it possible one of these updates prevent the computer from executing ccleaner.exe?