I don't really expect to win this contest, as I never have luck with these types of contests no matter how hard I try. I don't mind entering in this competition though, after all who wouldn't want a free PSP?
Considering the stats here, I may stand a chance in winning this contest. It surprises me that 75% of the visitors that had more than 50 unique click-throughs cheated in this contest. Not that it matters to me, it just makes it a whole lot easier for me and others to win this contest.
I've been able to track my click throughs through a click tracking script that I installed on my website, I know for sure that I have at least 60 click throughs so far. Good luck to those participating in this contest, only one day left!
Hey, I don't want to burst your bubble but mind letting us know when the winner will be chosen? It's been about 3 days since the contest has ended, I'm just curious.. thanks!