The old version of the forums included a very easy on the eyes blue/white color scheme titled CCleaner, I was just curious if this will be brought back ever, as the Green is somewhat hard on the eyes.
The old version of the forums included a very easy on the eyes blue/white color scheme titled CCleaner, I was just curious if this will be brought back ever, as the Green is somewhat hard on the eyes.
I use the IP Board selection (from the drop down menu bottom left of page)
This is a bit easier on the eyes for me.
It's too bright for me as well, and I would love the "CCleaner" colour scheme to be available as a choice.
I use the same as hazel which although better, still has too much white.
Unfortunately the CCleaner theme was for an old version of the forum software, so is incompatible with the new version.
There are lots of skins for downloan, some very similar to the old one
With all the talk about "saving power", wouldn't it also make sense to include a black background with lettering options from white to grey to green etc?
Save power!
For the "green" user! Might not work too great on backlit LCD screens (since the whole screen is backlighted), but think of the OLED or perhaps CRT screens?